I finally heard from the local company today. Gonna have a sit-down with the owner tomorrow morning. Not too excited about the job, but not heard a thing from original carrier-of-choice. They're supposed to set up a physical, etc... nothing.
Then I've got the tanker guy.. or he has me... on the hook. Of the three, it's the one I want most, fer sher! But I'm not about to tell him I'd pay HIM to let me drive in the mountains! I'll be talking to him again tomorrow.
Not giving up on anything... but being careful to not have too many irons in the fire, either. The bigger companies, I'm not going to worry about telling "Sorry, got this other job". I know darn well they hear that every day. But the smaller guys, I'd rather not do that to.
Starting out for rookies
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by MACK E-6, Jun 29, 2007.
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Then you have the hotmix asphault, and the concrete operations that are usually tied in with the rest of aggregate, and it just isn't real pretty.
Oh yeah, speaking of ungodly long hours, they can get by without paying you overtime, so they take advantage of that. Any resemblence of them trying to obey DOT rules and regs is pure coincidence. They could care less about HOS.
I'm not saying there are not some good aggregate companies to work for, I've just never seen one.JerrytheTexan and Nydiation Thank this. -
You have to keep your perspective, a few companies are reducing thier size, they can afford to be a little picky and drag thier feet, they have a job, it's only you who's looking.
Just graduated trucking school need some advice going to drive for Star. Please need all the advice I can get
Take your time, watch your mirrors, watch your corners(especially your blind-side), Don't rush parking (if unsure get out look), look before during and after changing lanes, do not travel too close, control your speed going down hill (don't burn your brakes), remember to engage your parking brake when parked ( had to add that because a student of mine let his truck roll) LOL
This isn't even all of it but hope you get the point. Don't let dispatch make you run illegal or feel you can't stop if tired, You can and will have an accident if too tired. Most accidents happen to new drivers within the first 2 months because they feel they know what they are doing............
The next set of people who have accidents have been driving for a while and have gotten complacent. (This is just generally speaking and not absolute, some things are unavoidable) Their are plenty of multi-million milers on the road they got that way from being careful.
Always remember you have a 16ton vehicle empty and it is dangerous if you do not respect it and the people around you..........
GOOD LUCK and share your experience with us..........Jtelcobilly, BucketOKarma, JerrytheTexan and 3 others Thank this. -
I live in Illinois & have about 2 weeks left at my truck drive training school I am looking for some advice on a good company to go to? My brother & I are thinking about team driving as well I want a place that won't hold back on miles...I always hear 2000 miles a week but that won't pay squat! We have some applications out, Star is one that replied so nmax93 please keep me informed on how you like it. If any of you have some advice on some good trucking companies please let me know.
Thanks!! -
Alot of companies will take you because of teams alot of work.......
Take your time in your decission don't jump for the first or second unless they are offering you what the 2 of you are looking for.
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