Hello, I'm new to all of this and am starting at CR England on the 31st of this month for school. After reading a lot of posts on here I must say I am very nervous. I would appreciate any and all input on this career I'm about to embark in. I'm a family man with 4 amazing children. Which I'm trying to give a better life than I had growing up. Is CR England the right choice or am I setting myself and family up for disaster?
Starting school at CR England at the end of this month....
Discussion in 'CR England' started by DirtTrackJunkie44, Mar 20, 2014.
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1. If you read a lot of posts then why are you going to CRE???????
2. OTR trucking is not for a father of 4 children. You will miss everything.csandlin, AfterShock, Dewey120 and 2 others Thank this. -
I wouldn't do it, at all. I too, almost went to england to get my cdl but reading through the MANY threads about england, i quickly changed my mind. I myself have a family and went to comm. college to get my CDL ( have a read here on pros vs cons of Comm Col. vs Company training). If you do decide on company training for your CDL there is better starter companies than england. Spend time looking through this forum and ask questions, guys like Chinatown and others has loads of good advice for new drivers. I'm new myself so i cant offer much advice but with 4 kids just make sure everyone can handle you being gone. Good luck!
DirtTrackJunkie44 and AfterShock Thank this. -
DirtTrackJunkie44 Thanks this.
Where do you live???
DirtTrackJunkie44 Thanks this.
DirtTrackJunkie44 and csandlin Thank this.
I live in Vermont and they're sending Me to IN for school. Far as why Im going with them is they are willing to pay for my class A and everything. I dont have the money to go out an do it myself or I would. I've been struggling finacially for awhile now being unemployed and really need to start something in a career that always has work. I thank you all for input and will look into other companies the next couple days to see if I can get something better. Right now tho I gotta try anything to keep my family a float an not thrown out in the street.
The only problem is during training with CRE you will only make enough to pay for your food and cell phone. I was a phase 1 trainer there for roughly 4 years and most of my students only cleared $200-$300 a week if that. Even if everything goes perfect with the CRE training it will be a minimum of 3 months before you take home a descent paycheck and again that is if everything goes perfect!
I had a lot of students who were already 3-4 months late on their rent and basically what they were doing was to little to late.DirtTrackJunkie44 and AfterShock Thank this. -
Im not behind on rent but it is tight each an every month to get by...the food pantry is bare. I have time to look into other options and can call the guy I spoke to with any questions or concerns(which I'll be doing so after discovering this site!). I can't get by with that amount of money. Not after my child support gets taken out for my two older children.
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