Starting with Dart with no experience. My tale from Interview and on going.

Discussion in 'Dart' started by Rookie Driver, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    Hello. The reason I am starting this thread is because I've been trying to find information on driving for Dart. What I have read so far, for the most part, is either the worst story you could think of or it sounded like the person is getting paid to say nice things. Both sound to have facts adjusted. Sometimes you have to factor in who the information is from. So I'm left with a feeling that the company is somewhere between the worst place to work for and the best. I decided to find out for myself. This will be my experience, my story about my journey with Dart.

    I am currently a mechanic by trade for over 25 years. I have been looking into other carriers for some time now and have decided to go into the truck driving business. I contacted one of the local schools and they pointed me to Dart Transit because they would pay for my schooling if I signed a contract to work for them for 9 months. If the company isn't as good as I hope it is I could either tuff it out for the 9 months or find a way to come up with the 4k that it would cost to pay for the schooling they payed for and fund a different company.
    I talked with one of the recruiters, filled out the pre employment application and sent it in. The recruiter set up an interview for a Wednesday during the lunch hour. It turns out it was a little more then just an interview. They wanted me to start the process right away. I was a little blindsided by it. Durring the interview he said I was somebody who they would realy like to have work for them. I told them I wanted to give my current employer a 2 week notice. They respected that and told me to just let them know when I would be ready to start. They did ask if I had any thoughts to be an owner operator and I responded with no. They did not push it and the subject was dropped. I was kinda surprised by them not pushing it because from some of the stuff I read that they want to put you into a lease. I ended up taking the DOT physical there and received my 2 year card.
    I have given my employer notice and will be starting class February 2nd. This is where I am so far in the process. As things progress, good or bad, I will make updates to this thread. I hope my experience will help others make there own decision.
    On a side note. This is the most writing I have done since high school. Thank you spell check.
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  3. lasvegasmover

    lasvegasmover Bobtail Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    las vegas nv
    good luck never heard anything really bad about them wish i was in the hiring area
  4. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    Thank you. I guess time will tell.
  5. Lonesome

    Lonesome Mr. Sarcasm

    Dec 15, 2007
    Northern Indiana
    Good luck with Dart. Glad you turned down the lease thing. Once you've established that this is what you want to do, and have some experience doing it, then you "might" consider a lease.
    Clara3 Thanks this.
  6. Goldenfan

    Goldenfan Heavy Load Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    So where are you located at? They've been advertising a lot on Craigslist in Southern WI the last few months. I'm interested in how this thread goes so I'll be watching it, especially from a company driver point of view. I didn't know they had any until I started seeing all their ads on CL which are for either O/O or CD.
  7. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    I live south of the twin cities. Dart is located in Eagan.
  8. Mhart1472

    Mhart1472 Bobtail Member

    Jan 11, 2015
    I live in New Braunfels, TX. I'm starting CDL school in March. The recruiter called me up wanting me to submit an app. He said that they pay noobies $7.25/hr. during training. I don't know much about the pay scales, but that seemed kinda low.
  9. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    That's just during the train part while riding/driving with the trainer. After you get out into your own truck you get paid by the mile. For the first 6 months it is $0.34 a mile.
    Clara3 and Bl19811 Thank this.
  10. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    Today I had my scheduled 2nd physical. The one we're they can see if I'm capable of carrying, climbing and such. They do it in house at Dart. The first time I went the guy scheduled me to come in at noon for the interview and the 2 physicals but the person that does one of the physicals had already left by then. So I show up early today to make sure I don't miss it. The recruiter finds out after I'm their that the physical person is not coming in today. Really? 2 times in a row I can't have it done? I guess I can't blame the recruiter too much. Turns out his wife has been having pregnancy complications and will be getting induced today. He then sets me up to have it done at a clinic in St. Paul by 94 and Snelling. I get there, fill out the paperwork. They strap me to a some resistance machine to check my range of motion and whatnot. I get done with that and let my girlfriend know how things went. She is a driver for another comany. She tells me that test is the worst one you can take. At her company they have had people that have been driving for years with no problems but end up failing this Range of Motion test. That wasn't quite what I wanted to hear. Hopefully I did well. I guess I'll find out.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  11. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion
    wish you luck.
    Rookie Driver Thanks this.
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