Starting with Dart with no experience. My tale from Interview and on going.

Discussion in 'Dart' started by Rookie Driver, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Lone Ranger 13

    Lone Ranger 13 Road Train Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Asheville, NC
    I live in western NC. Dart is advertising on Craigslist here also.
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  3. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    There is one near Atlanta Georgia. Kinda north east of it.
  4. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    Got a call from Dart yesterday letting me know I passed both physicals and that I am set up to start class on moday. I had to remind him that we agreed for me to start class on the 2nd of February. He then remembered the conversation and made the change for me.
    One step closser.
  5. rjgcape

    rjgcape Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2014
    Good Luck..... no matter what you do just be patient. Patient with yourself and with the system. You made a wise choice staying on company side . That's comming from a Dart lease operator. Don't get me wrong it's the best company I've been with but you need to get a feel for the business and where freight lanes are located. I know people will tell you so called horror stories about leasing but they have no business acumen.I do it and do well. I will never own actruck outright nor would I ever want to do that. Even if I financed for just 2 years I would own after almist all warranty. As you know with trucks now way to many electronics and computer systems and def systems to fail. In tge 70's yeah would have owned because repairs and pm were simple but I was a teenager then.I suggest 2 years take note of freight lanes and listen to all the loudmouth COMPLAINING drivers so you can do the opposite of them and succeed. ENJOY YOUR NEW CAREER WISH YOU THE BEST
  6. FX-4 Man

    FX-4 Man Bobtail Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    So.....I've been driving commercially since '95 (B trucks), with my experience and level of pre-existing injuries, trucking's 'bout all I can do, let alone all I'm interested in.
    So, should I go the lease-purchase route?
    I'm 51 and have a +5 point balance on my Class A.
    NEVER had a DWI or DUI.
  7. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion
    This is a question only you can answer. I would advise that if you do go this route read the contract and talk to several other l/o from the company you plan on going with. Find out if there are any hidden charges in the fine print. Find out what the lease completion rate is. Not all leases are set up to let the l/o succeed. More are for the company. I hope that this helps you at least a little bit. As far as leases go I plan on leasing a truck in the next few months.

  8. FX-4 Man

    FX-4 Man Bobtail Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    Needed to delete this post, find I can't, so I reposted below.
  9. FX-4 Man

    FX-4 Man Bobtail Member

    Mar 19, 2014
    The pre-existing injuries I noted, one of which is a right shoulder rotator cuff that's been torn four times and repaired twice (the last repair's surgeon told me that if I have to have it fixed again, I'll need a full shoulder replacement, and that while medicine has perfected hips and knees, shoulders, not so much), following his advice, I all but need to drive auto-shift.
    So if I do a lease/purchase, I'll make sure my rig is an auto-shift.
    popcorn169 Thanks this.
  10. Rookie Driver

    Rookie Driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2015
    Yesterday was my last day working in a auto repair shop. School starts on Monday an 7 am. They asked me to show up 15 minutes early to take care of some paperwork . It's going to be rough with no income for 2 weeks.
    kiwi23 and popcorn169 Thank this.
  11. Goldenfan

    Goldenfan Heavy Load Member

    Apr 8, 2013
    How much does their Advantage training course cost? I know they'll pay it off if you drive for them awhile but what's the cost if you leave?
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