Stevens Transport - Dallas, Tx.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by bb king, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. TopFlights

    TopFlights Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2006
    Alton Illinois
    Iam going to drive for this company in mid august , a friend of mine drove for them back in 2000 when the pay rate was only .23 cents a mile and he made $700-800 weekley(its now .26) and still says they give all the miles you want , they pay for own lumpers and you can pick and choose any load if you wanted to lump and make the extra money for yourself.
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  3. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Nothing wrong with that, I guess. As long as you get paid for it,
  4. Duckie

    Duckie Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    I have had friends who worked for stevens but went there as experienced drivers and they liked it, as a matter of fact one of them is still there.
  5. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    Gee, I wonder who that friend could be? :wave:
  6. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    Yeah, the brokerage is right across the hall from dispatch. Walk in the door, turn right is the brokerage, turn left is dispatch, go straight and you'll find the rest of the offices and the john.
  7. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    Yeah, when I worked there they reimbursed you up to $80 without a P.O. number, no questions asked. Above $80 and you needed to get a P.O. number from the dispatcher. Never had a problem getting a P.O. number for any amount, they know how much it costs to unload. You could also get the company to authorize a comcheck to pay the lumper directly (do they still use those?) The most I had to pay was $240 for a full load of Van de Kamps frozen food that was loaded on the floor. The dispatcher wasn't happy but he gave me the P.O. number anyways.:grin:
  8. TopFlights

    TopFlights Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2006
    Alton Illinois
    lol you of coarse :wave:
  9. GrizzlyMan

    GrizzlyMan Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Graham, WA
    OK. I drove for Stevens Transport for nearly a year. I have been away for almost three years. The company I am with now is not looking as though they are going to survive financial hardships, and Stevens is my number one choice as to where to go.

    Fact: trucks are governed at 65.

    Fact: They will pay virtually any amount for a lumper. (got a PO for $550 for a load of HAZMAT)

    Fact: some of the best equipment on the road. First truck; 400,000 miles, second truck; 240,000 miles, and my last truck had 3500 miles on it when I rolled out of the yard.

    Fact: They can and will give you limitless miles. I averaged 3200-3500 miles per week. I broke 4200 miles several times. And yes, I was solo.

    Fact: They will make you sign agreements to make you pay for every minor thing imaginable. However, they usually will not follow through on it if you prove you're not going to screw them. (I only knew of one driver charged for anything - and it was damage done to the inside of his truck by an unauthorized pet)

    Fact: NYC does happen regularly. However, assistance for NYC is readily available. I never had any problems with my loads into or out of NYC. The only place I had trouble was the bay area. Mainly because nobody seemed available that knew how to handle the problem I had.

    Fact: You will pull Hazmat loads. Get used to it.

    Fact: You will be pulling a reefer. Get used to it.

    Fact: Do the job and get paid. Yup. Get used to it.

    Fact: Whine and complain about how bad they're treating you, and refuse to pull loads, you will get the crap. Get used to it.
  10. GrizzlyMan

    GrizzlyMan Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Graham, WA
    Let's see. the recruiting packet I got back in 2003 said that you will be out 3-4 weeks at a time. Every bulleting board I've been on claims you're not home for 4-6 weeks at a time. (my experience was an average of 3-5 weeks) When I asked about orientation and all, I was told to be prepared for about 12 weeks from start to finish before I would get home. It was 9 weeks. (after which they gave me 15 days home) Looks to me like you failed to do your homework.
  11. Redneck

    Redneck BANNED

    Dec 5, 2005
    Why did you leave them in the first place? If you don't mind saying sounded like you had it pretty sweet I am just curious. Thanks
    Kwaione Thanks this.
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