Stevens Transport - Dallas, Tx.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by bb king, Jun 10, 2005.

  1. GrizzlyMan

    GrizzlyMan Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Graham, WA
    I have a 13 year old who is bipolar. My wife is also bipolar. They were both having issues, and I needed to be home to take care of them. My current position averages about the same pay I was getting with Stevens, and I have most weekends off. (though last week I made about $200, and this week it looks like I'm getting about $100)

    The only complaint I had about Stevens was hometime. You can expect to be out for a minimum of three weeks at a time. With a family, that's just not acceptable. Currently, however, my marriage appears to have come to an end. I'm not doing well with staying in housing. so that hometime may not be an issue, now.
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  3. Redneck

    Redneck BANNED

    Dec 5, 2005
    9 weeks and they gave you 15 days off? I bet that don't happen very often.
  4. Duckie

    Duckie Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    15 days off, was this by request or did they just say hey take 2 weeks off. This isnt the first bad thing I have heard about Stevens, have heard a lot of stories of driver abuse, a good bit of them on this message board. Driver you can contest a reporting on your DAC report.
  5. Redneck

    Redneck BANNED

    Dec 5, 2005
    Sorry about that.........Good Luck
  6. GrizzlyMan

    GrizzlyMan Light Load Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    Graham, WA
    He is quoting pretty well what I have heard repeatedly. Including in their recruiting brochures. Home time is not good. As for not serving Savannah, GA, I have heard of them pulling that stunt when they want a reason to no longer keep a problem driver. (If you give them a strong enough reason, they will find/create a reason to terminate you)

    As for my 15 days off, they told me to take two weeks. When I called back on day 13, he told me that freight was weak, and take an extra day.

    Typically, I was given one day off for every week on the road (which seems to be the industry standard)

    I can give you loads of positive experiences.

    Was pulling a very hot load. Wife called and told me that she was kicking me out. (I was only about 2000 miles from home) I contacted my driver manager, and told him what was going on, and asked if it was possible to deliver my current load. He told me to pull into the next truck stop. They were willing to put me on an airplane to get me home. The exact words I got were, "family is more important than any load we pull. we can and will do whatever it takes to help you, and then we will figure out what to do with that load." (wife called back before we were able to figure out plane trip, and changed her mind)

    Requested time at home for sister's wedding. Got to LA to deliver a load. There was no freight to get me home, so they offered to pay for my roundtrip airfare to be home for the wedding. Dispatch was able to snag a load from someone else to get me home as I was parking to head to airport. I pulled another carrier's trailer home.

    These are the kinds of stories I can tell one right after another. I know there are drivers out there that tell horror stories about how they were treated. I didn't see that while I was there. It makes me wonder what they did to cause it.
  7. PackRatTDI

    PackRatTDI Licensed to Ill

    Jul 15, 2006
    El Chuco, Tejas
    My last truck was a T2000 governed at 68. Was an ex-"Senior Driver" truck apparently. Never did get set down to 65.

    True. They'll try to get you to haggle down but they'll eventually pay what the guy wants.

    The only problem I ever had was a clogged fuel filter. That was diagnosed by one of the team members of a FEDEX contractor truck who followed me to a truckstop in Wyoming and gave my truck a looksee (one of them was a Cummins mechanic). My truck wouldn't go over 58 mph (a hazard in Wyoming!). $27 lighter and a new fuel pump later I was back at 65.

    I averaged about 3000-3500 miles.

    The only thing I was ever charged for (besides $600 for my school), was $350 for an accident.

    NYC may be a pain, but those loads make $$$. For weeks at a time, I'd haul IBP loads from the midwest to NYC, then deadhead to PA to pick up hershey, drop the trailer in Chicago then deadhead to an IBP plant to pick up more meat and back east. 3000+ miles a week easy doing that.

    Stevens never gave me a reason to quit. They did their best to get me home, it's just at the time they had more drivers living in the El Paso area than they had loads going there most of the time.
  8. Hardrock

    Hardrock Bobtail Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    I wonder how they compare to Transam?! (former Transam driver). One good thing about Transam (if it's still that way now) is that there was no forced dispatch to NYC.
  9. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I guess some dispatchers are just more cooperative then others.
  10. Beanfacekilla

    Beanfacekilla Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    I also had bad experiences with Stevens. They lied to me about everything, AMEN brother. But there were people that were happy there. Oh well, I wouldn't work there again for all of MIDAS' SILVER.
  11. 66 Olznut

    66 Olznut Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2006
    Canyon Country, Ca
    Hey Grizz, funny to see you here bud, your sticker is due!!!
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