Stevens Transport

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by trainee, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. clbell66

    clbell66 Light Load Member

    Nov 14, 2010
    Phx, az
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
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  3. Corporal_Clegg

    Corporal_Clegg Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    I did speak to the Hiring Manager this morning, and she appologized, but said that it was an old program that was no longer available. She said that they did not realize that it was still on the website, but that she would get the IT department to get it changed and updated.

    During the 3 weeks of school, you do not get paid.

    During Orientation 1 (35 days) and Orientation 2 (up to 4 weeks) you are paid 350.00 per week training pay. After that you go solo and are paid as a solo driver.
    tony_the_tiger and clbell66 Thank this.
  4. tony_the_tiger

    tony_the_tiger Bobtail Member

    Dec 1, 2010
    Hempstead, TX
    Good info, thanks. Anyone knows what the chances of accessing the internet from the trucks are? Can you bring a laptop and hook up on the truck or something like that and access the web, or is that not a possibility? I manage a lot of family's bills and stuff online and given that starting out we're going to be on the road probably 4-5 weeks at a time, it would make it quite difficult to do stuff like that. I guess I could past on the responsibilities to my significant other, but unfortunately, she's not used to doing stuff like that and kind of a procrastinator, so I rather not unless there's no other option.
  5. skeeterhoss

    skeeterhoss Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2010
    Notheast US

    You can bring your laptop with you and you can get a mobile broadband card from a cell carrier and it plugs into your usb port so you have broadband internet wherever you go for the most part and have it included on your cell phone bill, Just be carefull not to go over since cell phone carriers have a govt mandated monthly limit for usage of mobile broadband.
  6. Corporal_Clegg

    Corporal_Clegg Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    I have unlimited broadband through Virgin Mobile. Whats this govt mandated limit you speak of?
  7. skeeterhoss

    skeeterhoss Bobtail Member

    Nov 24, 2010
    Notheast US
    If you have unlimited mobile broadband then you dont have to worry about the usage limit the govt has imposed, The govt mandated a 5gig monthly limit or cap on new mobile broadband customers a while back. Your probally ok though if you had the unlimited before the new rule went into effect. You should be fine when it comes to internet service out on the road with your service.
  8. TLeaHeart

    TLeaHeart Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    casper, wy
    No government mandate on usage, but each carrier has limits depending on what plan one has...I have altell, unlimited...soon to be AT&T due to the merger.

    A smart phone with access to the web, or an air card for your laptop will give you what you need. There are a few locations around the country where connectivity is bad.
  9. TLeaHeart

    TLeaHeart Road Train Member

    Apr 1, 2008
    casper, wy
    Show me the actual government rule showing this mandate you are talking about. Verizon is once again selling unlimited plans, now that they have the capacity to handle that much usage. It was the individual carriers imposing the limit as the explosion of usage was overwhelming their systems.
  10. Corporal_Clegg

    Corporal_Clegg Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2010
    Actually I got this deal like 2 weeks ago, I ordered the USB Data Stick after thanksgiving and activated it last week.

    What law id it that you aere talking about? I have not heard anything about it.
  11. Lonewolf024

    Lonewolf024 Bobtail Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    Dawsonville, GA.
    most T/S 's have wifi u can purchase by the hr,day or month. also alot of the rest areas have free wifi, and McDonalds and Wendys usually do to, so if your around one of those u can hook up and save your package minutes
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