I found some good info i believe it is pretty much current on Trucking Truth.com website http://www.truckingtruth.com/free_truck_driving_schools/stevens/stevens.html about the cost and payback arrangments.
Stevens Transport
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by trainee, Jul 10, 2007.
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During Orientation 1 (35 days) and Orientation 2 (up to 4 weeks) you are paid 350.00 per week training pay. After that you go solo and are paid as a solo driver.tony_the_tiger and clbell66 Thank this. -
Good info, thanks. Anyone knows what the chances of accessing the internet from the trucks are? Can you bring a laptop and hook up on the truck or something like that and access the web, or is that not a possibility? I manage a lot of family's bills and stuff online and given that starting out we're going to be on the road probably 4-5 weeks at a time, it would make it quite difficult to do stuff like that. I guess I could past on the responsibilities to my significant other, but unfortunately, she's not used to doing stuff like that and kind of a procrastinator, so I rather not unless there's no other option.
You can bring your laptop with you and you can get a mobile broadband card from a cell carrier and it plugs into your usb port so you have broadband internet wherever you go for the most part and have it included on your cell phone bill, Just be carefull not to go over since cell phone carriers have a govt mandated monthly limit for usage of mobile broadband. -
A smart phone with access to the web, or an air card for your laptop will give you what you need. There are a few locations around the country where connectivity is bad. -
What law id it that you aere talking about? I have not heard anything about it. -
most T/S 's have wifi u can purchase by the hr,day or month. also alot of the rest areas have free wifi, and McDonalds and Wendys usually do to, so if your around one of those u can hook up and save your package minutes
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