Stevens Transport

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by trainee, Jul 10, 2007.

  1. revslev

    revslev Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2010
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Greetings...I have a Start date (school) of 7 feb 2010. Will probably fly in vice bus. I have been researching Stevens, Prime and Central Refrigerated for the last couple of months and I believe Stevens has the most to offer for me. Prime seems to have the highest training pay, however, from what I have heard, after training, Stevens seems to get the most miles. Any additional information would be helpful...preferably from people who have worked for the companies I mentioned.
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  3. producepimp

    producepimp Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2010
  4. Lonewolf024

    Lonewolf024 Bobtail Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    Dawsonville, GA.
    Thats all pretty much true, I am in grad flleet 2nd month now and we do get jakes but no cruise control till after grad fleet. They don't do the "dumb and Dumber" thing any more you spend those last tree weeks with a "finishing" trainer which basiclly makes you run the trk as if its your and is there for a safety net too keep you out of trouble and answer any questions might still have. Good luck where ever you go. You will hear good and bad about everybody, but straight up Stevens has treated me good so far. And if you read my profile this aint my first rodeo so I do a know a little about how the industry works. TAke care and Merry Christmas
  5. fireman2

    fireman2 Bobtail Member

    Mar 19, 2011
    I am seriously thinking about Stevens Transport leave leave 3/26/2011
    for orientation.I hear a lot of bad.Is their any good?
  6. bonbonsron

    bonbonsron Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2009
    indianapolis IN

    Please post your dealings with Stevens school and your road training. I am going to retire from the Post Office in 3 months and Stevens is at the top of my list along with TMC. I've read all of their blogs and they seem to be a great outfit, and serious about business. Try to find TLeaHeart's threads on here. He really likes Stevens and is frank about his postings. His writings clinched my decision to give Stevens the first shot. They do seem to keep drivers out for extended periods, but you will get to see all of the country and drive long trips.
  7. Dryver

    Dryver Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sioux Falls, SD
  8. cadillacwby31

    cadillacwby31 Bobtail Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    asheville NC
    Trainee , just google Stevens there is plenty of their dirty laundry posted. Stevens is nothing more than a scam company.
  9. Lonewolf024

    Lonewolf024 Bobtail Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    Dawsonville, GA.
    Google any company and you will get their "dirty Laundry" Ive been around the buisness all my life. And your going to find dirty laundry on them all. The whole industry needs reformed, but its been nrun this way for years and it isnt going to change untill all drivers stick together and we all know thats never going to happen. If the drivers of all companies stuck together it would be the most powerfull barganing entitiy the world has ever seen. But we can only dream about that.
  10. KCIV104

    KCIV104 Bobtail Member

    Mar 20, 2011
    Logan, UT
    I am new to the industry but am excited about getting started. I have been researching so many different companies and schools that my head is swimming. Basically what I have learned so far is that the first year, whether I go to a school or a company that trains me, is going to be tough and I won't make a lot of money. Most of the schools that hire new drivers have a lot of trash about them on the internet, in fact, I haven't found one that doesn't so far. I am leaning towards Stevens Transport for one of the reasons that many are complaining, the available miles that they have to offer. They also have a pet policy and when my husband rides with me he will want to bring his dog and that is important to me as well. He was a truck driver for all of his adult life but is disabled now and won't ever be able to drive a truck again, but he did love it while he was doing it. Hopefully I will be able to make at least $30,000 my first year... do you think this is realistic or am I dreaming? I will be fifty this year and if I am ever going to make a career change, I need to do it now. I will still have another fifteen years minimum that I will be able to work and I think the trucking industry is something that I can share with my husband and get him out of the house once in awhile. I am not expecting anything glamerous but I like driving, books on tape, and seeing things even if it is just driving by them. If I have a layover or am stranded some place I am thinking that there is always some local attraction to visit and make the best of things. What do you think? Is it as bad as everyone says that it is on these forums or do some of you really enjoy what you do?
  11. Dryver

    Dryver Road Train Member

    Nov 30, 2008
    Sioux Falls, SD
    I think $30-$35K is a reasonable expectation. Staying at Stevens after your first year that won't improve much.
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