..where did u get the speeding tickets & what was the situation, hiway or entering a city limit speed zone & how much were u over.. and yes STEVENS can let u go anytime, then ur stuck for the tuition training cost if u dont make the 1 yr trial.. & did they tell u when the yr starts, like after u get ur license or actual driving time, which is it.. i did read the entire STEVENS posts & saw only 1 compaint about truck service, all others said they did a good job of keeping them serviced, so that would b a + for me, u cant make money if ur trucks in the shop!
Stevens Transport
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by trainee, Jul 10, 2007.
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Ticket 1 was in Breezewood PA, heading West down a mountain. Ticket 2 was coming down 8 east of San Diego also a mountain. See a pattern?
They take care of the trucks pretty well. Boss doesn't like seeing trucks on the side of the road. -
This is an exellent thread!Very informative.Sounds like Stevens is better than C.R.England.Does Stevens still shut off the "JAKE BRAKE" for new drivers?
At the time I left in July, they still had the 90 day no jakes for rookies. I don't know if its been changed.
Seems like stephens is a pretty decent company....i am sure there are some ups and downs ...if i had to go otr i would give them a try...
Thanks to all who reply
Yeah, recruiters will say anything. $800? No carrier would pay that much. Standard trainee pay is about $350 across the board. One of my fellow students told me the recruiter told him $375 (right after he got off the phone with the recruiter). Taking a look at the website, it states $350 for training, and an additional $100 if you help unload. *shrugs*
stevens is alright i never had nothing bad to say about them . they always treated me good and treated me with respect as a driver and friend . i personally met steve aaron owner and ceo of stevens he's a pretty cool old man . but don't let these fools dicourage you from making a dicition on trainig with them it's a good training company and they run you hard . yeah swift and c r england or any big company will feed you line like oh we pay top dollar and you'll never sit waiting for a load but the reality is no matter where you go you'r gonna sit for some time may not be long . might take a few minutes or even take a day . but any company that say's we keep you running is a bunch of bs . heck the company i run for has me sitting here laredo waiting for a load. normally im in and out but hey come on everyone of us gets hit with hurry up and wait. well if the trainee wants to know more on stevens i know a good driver a real good friend of mine that can give you more info on stevens . well im out
TRUCKERMOJOnolookingback Thanks this. -
Thanks for the info I just finished Roadmaster in orlando on the 20th and I had a guy that is going to stevens on the 1st he is really happy about it and the guy came to talk to us he had to fix alot of crap out cause the guy I was in school with the people were messing with him telling him that he would have to wait cause they had there own school but the recuiter fixed everything for him in less then a day. I had gotten my letter the other day and if I cant find anything more local I am calling stevens by next week. My wife wanted me to go to swift since there are here in ocala but I have heard all the horror stories about them even out of this site. But when you go out for the 1st 5 weeks I hear you have to hit all four corners of the usa and cross two mountians and a major city then you get a week off at home. My main question is I know you go to dallas before they send you home on the bus. Do they give you real 7 days home then come back or is the 7 days with travel time to and from dallas?
Thanks and please let me know anything more you know about stevens.
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