Ok, here goes my second try. I am posting this in the favorite companies section as I want to enter into this with a good attitude. Since I am starting at Stevens next Monday, I need to go with a Stevens Transport Attitude!
I am going to try to keep an ongoing record of my time there and my adventures in the trucking world as a whole. I hope some of you will join me on my journey. Dockrat, I expect you to pop in once in a while.
I am planning on driving myself to Dallas from Iowa. I'll make it a 2 day trip. I could do it in one but don't see the point. 15 hours. That's against regs.
I can leave my car in Dallas I am told, then when I get my 5 days off between trainings, I can drive home. I am hoping I can arrange to meet my second trainer in Chicago after home time. Looks like that is the closest terminal, and since Stevens doesn't allow taking the truck home, I could easily leave my car there. It is only a 3 hour drive to the house from there.
After getting stuck in SLC for a day after being asked to leave Centrlal I want my own way home with me just in case.
Does anyone know if Stevens does a "work well" test? I passed the one at Central, but man! I really need to get back into shape! Been too many years at a desk.
So today I need to go move some money from my IRA so the wife can keep paying bills for another month until I start having an income. I also need to find a motel between here and Dallas, I have a friend that lives in Norman, OK. I did the drive from his house back here in 11 hours a couple of years ago. I guess I could impose on him for a nights lodging and save the cost of a motel. Decisions, decisions.
So welcome to my thread, I'll try my best to provide good info, and be at least mildly entertaining.
Fozzy Bear
Stevens Transport
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by trainee, Jul 10, 2007.
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Good Luck to ya Fozzy...Attitude is everything!
hey fozzy, i see u r from Dav. i'll be there manana, planning to take mom out for a early mum's day breakfast. glad to see you landed a driving job and hope it works out for you. if you have any questions ask away and i will try to help.
I agree Babymaker.
Bigray, yes I live now, moved here from SOCal. OK, let's hear it..."WHY!!!!?"
My wife was offered a job out here, I ended up working for the same company for 5 years and they decided they didn't want to pay me what I was worth. Too bad you couldn't have made it yesterday, my favorite restaraunt has an awesome Sunday brunch. Plus there is a big theater right near there so parking a rig should be no problem. Just need to stay away from the beer. -
Fozzy, when you do post your on-going diary, please list the exact mileages per week and what's really also important to me is the exact times you pickup and deliver.
i don't so much care about actual locations that you go to----you might want to keep those private for privacy reasons.
The reasons why i am emphasizing mileage and pickup/delivery times is:
1) Mileage is a big concern for myself and probably everyone else as weekly mileage determines pay, basically.
2) Actually more important to me are pickup/delivery times because this really determines your sleep schedules. We are biologically on a cycle you know. Irregular sleep patterns will screw up your health.
Thanks. -
Glad to here you found another home. I hope they treat you well. JJRanch
Well, I don't think I'll get sent home this time. I just got off the phone with my recruiter again and she still doesn't understand why Central sent me home. They have no problem with my 25 year old record, per the head of their security department. Personally, I think the real reson may be a combination of the fact that my BP was elevated that day, I barely passed the work well, and I didn't disclose the record up front.
on your new job. I would take out more than one month of $$ for bills if that is possible. You won't make decent $$ until your in grad fleet. Just remember to take a deep breath and chose your words carefully you will be in some stressfull situations. My hubby's dm told him right before he started grad fleet that if he can make it through this it will get better. For the most part it has.
Yea Fozzy I'd plan on taking out three months worth of money for your wife, the whole training deal takes about tweleve weeks.
As a side note to powell-Peralta ( thats what i used to ride by the way, a Lucero then a hawk) pick up and drop times, they vary dramaticly. But the miles are good 2500-3200 a week. -
I just needed to get enough so she can make it through for 2 months, then I'll be home again and can pull more if needed. She makes fairly good money, so the training wages should get us through.
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