Strictly drop n hook dedicated or otr?

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by RussianBearTruckeR, Feb 24, 2023.

  1. RussianBearTruckeR

    RussianBearTruckeR Heavy Load Member

    Jul 9, 2018
    Jacksonville, FL
    I've worked for Magnum they had terminals in those areas... still talk to a female buddy that drives for them she's diving her neighborhood residential crazy running her battery mode apu on her driveway had cops even called for a noise compliant but police said decibels were under what legally would be considered an issue for a residential area... may take a pay cut and go into End dumps, pneumatics to learn those lanes got some food grade tanker outfits on my radar, crossdock floral otr if everything adds up... being patient gathering info and Intel is always a good resource and tool for options and leverage when talking to new companies... thnx for all tips and ideas
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  3. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    well, whatever Dude. There's plenty of 1099 companies in your zip code that I'm sure you'd be happy with......and you probably speak the same, ther's that.
  4. RussianBearTruckeR

    RussianBearTruckeR Heavy Load Member

    Jul 9, 2018
    Jacksonville, FL
    Before leaving previous company last 2 months running 9 out of 10 wet trailers had electrical issues non dot compliant
    ? I hope a sandal t
    Wow a good ole redneck proud super trucker... I appreciate all the tips a
    I'll be sure to let putin alert his white Volvo tech blasting addiddas wearing fake Gucci flip flop wearing crew to find and block you at all fuel pumps while fueling to grab showers with all your American woman scrubbing our hairy backs while you moan and groan as your 14 runs out on a daily basis... ignorance is great but thanks for your super trucker feedback all is appreciated here
  5. insipidtoast

    insipidtoast Heavy Load Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Planet Earth
    It's difficult to understand your message here.

    "Have seen the weekend activity pay runners..."

    Anyone care to translate?
  6. Mnmover99

    Mnmover99 Light Load Member

    Oct 22, 2022
    Caladonia advertises no pumping off loads. They haul more than milk., Liquid eggs is one. I have seen their units in California, etc. check out their website or call for more info.
  7. RussianBearTruckeR

    RussianBearTruckeR Heavy Load Member

    Jul 9, 2018
    Jacksonville, FL
    I've seen personally private fleet walmart drivers w2 paystubs (those that run or work during the weekends to make that activity pay) and the annual earnings were up there north of 120k but I personally do not trust that company is all...
  8. RussianBearTruckeR

    RussianBearTruckeR Heavy Load Member

    Jul 9, 2018
    Jacksonville, FL
    Thnx for the tip
  9. insipidtoast

    insipidtoast Heavy Load Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Planet Earth
    120k for a solo driver with no driver-facing camera is pretty hard to beat. What do you mean you don't "trust" them? I don't trust any company, so what? As long as the work is consistent and so is the pay, I don't need to have them babysit my children or anything.

    I'd rather work weekends. That's when everyone goes home and you can finally enjoy the roads after all the M-F congestion disappears.

    Anyway, I'm just curious what your concerns are about walmart. I've heard they're nitpicky with stupid little rules
    HiramKingWilliams and Speed_Drums Thank this.
  10. insipidtoast

    insipidtoast Heavy Load Member

    Nov 22, 2016
    Planet Earth
    What is the crossdock floral otr company that you have in mind?
  11. MSWS

    MSWS Medium Load Member

    Jun 30, 2022
    I never picked up a loaded trailer that needed repair. I've came across a few empties that did, but I would just submit a breakdown request and notify dispatch. They'd ask if there were any other empties on the lot, I'd find one and give them the number, then that would be my trailer. Occasionally, I would get a call from the repair guy asking where the bad trailer was, but that was the extent of my involvement. I only had one time when every trailer I could find needed repair. I took the one that needed the least repair, submitted reports for the others, and drove mine to a nearbye shop. It took them about an hour and I was on my way.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
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