Stuck at scale house

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by flatbedsurface, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. flatbedsurface

    flatbedsurface Bobtail Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Im i Missouri got hit with a over gross ticket 1910 pounds had no where to scale this load of lumber picked it up from amish people all my axles are good but my real question is the dot cop said i cant leave till i get the weight off and get under 80,000 is that right?? Since he wrote
    me the ticket i thought i would be able to at least roll on
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  3. Cowmobile

    Cowmobile Medium Load Member

    May 9, 2011
    The hammer lane....
    Wait till he goes home then haul ###..... Or dump some lumber in the parking lot..
    mslashbar, Mev, x#1 and 3 others Thank this.
  4. Rooster1291979

    Rooster1291979 Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Worst advice ever. You are out of service. If you move that truck you will jump from hot water to boiling. Your choices are to get a permit or get the weight off.
    281ric, Cman301, moosc and 7 others Thank this.
  5. Hardlyevr

    Hardlyevr Road Train Member

    Jul 30, 2009
    Mapleton Depot,PA
    Call the shipper or customer and ask what they want you to do with the extra weight. A wrecking company might come out and take it from you, if you have the owners permission to give it away.

    If you leave the scale house, it is a big NO NO! I don't think it is as severe as jumping an out of service order, but it would depend on how they wrote you up.
  6. marmonman

    marmonman Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    central illinois
    The way I understand it if you are OOS and you violate it by leaving you are comiting a felony .

    i could be wrong but I wouldn't take a chance on it myself !
    flatbedsurface Thanks this.
  7. Rooster1291979

    Rooster1291979 Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Actually i don't think you can get a permit as that's a divisible load.
    Sly Fox, WitchingHour and KF7WTV Thank this.
  8. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    DO NOT roll out of a Mo. scale house overweight seeing how you got a ticket. No matter how close to the border you are.. Don't ask. trust me.
    Call the shipper and tell them the issue like the other posters have said. With him being Amish they will not have a phone, but there hould be somebody to contact about this.
    flatbedsurface and 281ric Thank this.
  9. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    No permit that I know of can they get being it's more than one piece
    281ric Thanks this.
  10. nightgunner

    nightgunner Road Train Member

    Jul 23, 2013
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Over gross, but ok on axle weight?
  11. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    might be running a spread 12 34 40.
    Orlandodriver and LaBubba Thank this.
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