SO loaded, drove 300 miles, passed CAT scales, got caught.
Advice, Load, find CAT Scale, if overweight go back to shipper.
Shipper drives 300 miles to offload about 1900 lbs, you will be charged, may be the last time the shipper will use you.
Lesson learned.
Stuck at scale house
Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by flatbedsurface, Apr 6, 2014.
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Wkend dispatch can be like that with different compaines. Ok they will let you drop the trl. right.
Hope so. If still there drop the trl. Go to the trkstp. Get some food a shower and call your company again first thing in the morning.
Most compaines will make you pay the overweight and maybe the costs invovled with this.
Be ready for an arse chewing.. Suck it in and it will all work out in the long runflatbedsurface, puncher and 281ric Thank this. -
Yeah our weekend dispatch is a joke and no the wont let me drop trailer told me if i did i would be terminated but whatever i mean i screwed up so ill deal with it yeah i figured id have to pay the ticket but the charges involved with having to have it unloaded too thats sucks ii didnt even consider that figured id get a good ### chewing ### well but ive been with this company for almost two years with no provlems what so ever i mean anything at all so i hope they will cut me a little slack for that will see i guess thanks for taking the time to answer and help me out i appreciate it
So your company said you can't drop the trl..
I mean no disrepect, but you gotta be hungry and needy to clean up and have a good sit down if you know what I mean. Drop it fast and go clean up and then come back..
Why won't they let you drop.. Who in their right mind would steal a ld. from a scale house. Never mind dumb question. Glad I own my own trk. company trl. and we drop all the time.. -
let me guess TMC or Maverick?
No your totally right thats what i told them im at a scale house with the weightmaster here u really think someone is going to steal the trailer dont make any sense to me
Boyd brothers
I think that I would take my beatings and see how they treat you. Then maybe look else where after a month or so. Let the dust settle a bit. No being able to drop is kinda chicken. High value lds. I do understand, but it's a ld. of lumber
Oh I was way off. But still. Do you even have any food??
Can you order a pizza at least?
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