Stuck at scale house

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by flatbedsurface, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. Voltrucker

    Voltrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    West TN
    Ok you screwed up, everyone does. But 1st question is do you have plenty of fuel? If the truck stop is within a few miles, I'd haul tail to the truck stop, shower, get supper to go and hurry up and get back and hook up to the trailer again. But how they're treating this whole deal is like a typical big company.
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  3. gokiddogo

    gokiddogo Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2012
    Ontario Canada
    Why not get on the cb and ask someone coming through if they want to make a few bucks, if they can carry your extra 2,000 pounds and are going the same way, it might work ... at least to get you close enough to your delivery ...

    Another option would be to leave 2000 pounds at the scale to get you to 80,000 and go back to shipper, drop 2,000 pounds now you are at 78,000, return to scale pick back up the 2000 you left and then carry on ...

    I wouldn't try to leave under cover of darkness without the problem resolved, though...
    puncher Thanks this.
  4. cnsper

    cnsper Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2014
    Wasn't going to answer because it is too late but here goes.

    1. Call a cab
    2. rent a u-haul and load extra weight into it.
    3. drive one or the other to truck stop
    4. call a cab
    5. drive other truck to truck stop
    6. now you can figure out what to do in relative comfort but the load is secured.
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  5. Numb

    Numb Crusty Curmudgeon

    Jan 30, 2012
    Charlotte, N.Carolina
    you eat all your meals out??

    I eat all my meals from my cooler. 12V type.

    buy coffee and snacks only.

    you must spend a fortune a month on food.

    it also restricts where you park for the evening.
    allniter Thanks this.
  6. catalinaflyer

    catalinaflyer Road Train Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    Wichita, KS
    Whatever you do, DO NOT try to leave there without resolution. Your probably in for a chewing and some wallet hit as it stands already but if you leave now at the very least you'll be unemployed and at worst, unemployed and in jail.

    I'm not going to berate you for not scaling, you can chalk this up as a lesson learned and now you'll get creative and find a scale in the future. FWIW, in Amish country there are always grain storage facilities that have scales and most of those even when closed will have the scale where you can look through the window and see it.

    Being it's now Monday morning this will not help much but you said you were told that if you drop the trailer you would be terminated. Was this by the same weekend dispatch that has no authority or ability to assist you? If this dispatch can't assist in finding a solution then how in hates do they have the authority to tell you that you'll be terminated. I now drive a desk but if you look back through my posts you'll see that I have hauled airplane wings costing millions of dollars each and have been stranded for days at a time in Missouri sitting at super-load inspection areas or scales. With that being said our company policy is no dropping loaded trailers except at secure locations (company terminal, sister company terminals, shippers, receivers etc.) however when having to sit for several days we are allowed to drop for a couple hours at a time to go get showers, use the toilet, eat etc.

    If a weekend dispatch who couldn't help resolve a situation as simple as this were to tell me I would be terminated for dropping at a scale so that I could go get basic human necessities taken care of I would tell them to pound sand as I was cranking the gear down. I wouldn't leave it there for the weekend but for a couple hours to run down to the truck stop is no big deal.

    I hope you get this taken care of soon and hope that your company (we're a sister company) gets a weekend dispatch that knows how to dial a phone. As I said we're a sister company and have trucks coming through Missouri multiple times a day that may have been able to assist.
  7. jbourque

    jbourque Heavy Load Member

    Oct 25, 2012
    south english iowa
    the shipper being amish will usually not have a phone,if you are north bound on I-35 your are about two miles from iowa border. a lot of amish live in that area. lots of luck
  8. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    Live in amish area. No, they aren't great builders what legends say. They are cheap laborers with a driver and mythical background. Fast and not accurate :biggrin_2554:

    did they hand load it or hire a operator ?
    Lux Prometheus Thanks this.
  9. EZX1100

    EZX1100 Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    interesting to know how this all turns out
  10. pattyj

    pattyj Road Train Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    Sioux City,ia
    Depends on the DOT.I was 5000 over once and was let go.DOT gave me back roads to take back to the shipper.What you may end up having to do is have someone come and offload some of the product.
  11. thelushlarry

    thelushlarry Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    glasgow ky
    I think one guy already said this try and get an empty flat to take some of it for you..
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