Superior Carriers 2011

Discussion in 'Superior Carriers' started by wsyrob, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. puddin kgp

    puddin kgp Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    kingsport tn
    Thanks for the info i gonna run I 40, I 65, I 71, I 80, too 287 to I 95 and up i try to steer clear of the GW and any where in that area if ya know what i mean. Hey bud u and the son have a great time at the game sounds like a blast. I can't wait till my grandson turns 5 then i'm taken him to Bristol motor speed way man can't wait got one more year. Any way drivers be safe take care and God Bless America
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  3. ped

    ped Light Load Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Atlanta, GA
    Boy does this bring back some nightmarish memories! Among other ways of making my life miserable in that neck of the woods I also took that wrong fork coming out of Keasbey. I later realized that they had the sign saying to stay right for Route 9 on the left side of the road, and the sign saying to stay left for 656 on the right side of the road. This is within about 100' of the fork. That's just too much to sort out that quickly for my little pea brain!

    I'm home for the weekend but will head towards Maine from Chattanooga on Monday. I plan to avoid New York entirely. I just hope I don't get routed to Keasbey for the tank wash.
  4. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    are you going to the paper mill in madawaska, i went there in the summer, i wouldn't have volunteered this time of the year. auburn terminal is pretty good. there was a chinese buffet across from the little fuel stop, at the terminal exit. but this has been a while back, be safe.
  5. ped

    ped Light Load Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Atlanta, GA
    No, I'm not going quite that far north, just a little ways past our terminal to Sappi Papers in Skowhegan. I'm not looking forward to seeing Maine at this time of the year, but the miles are good. And it doesn't look like any storms are scheduled for next week, thankfully.
    1catfish Thanks this.
  6. puddin kgp

    puddin kgp Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    kingsport tn
    Yea sunday night colder than a well diggers butt, but no snow or ice i'm in Brandford, ct. for the night. Deliver in Rhode Island in am, the suns been out really nice from inside the truck lol. I'm with you i stay clear of the GW bridge also, was talking too some drivers at a truck stop yesterday they said the GW toll went up to $65 one way wow unreal. Take care drivers, be safe and God Bless America!!!!!!!!! :biggrin_25523:
  7. Firebird

    Firebird Light Load Member

    Aug 13, 2006
    Bristol, VA
    Well guys, it looks like my time at Superior is up. I ran my last load today and am cleaning my truck out tomorrow.

    During the last 7 months I have sat at home multiple times for more than 5 days with no work and several times at 7 days. The most I sat was for 13 days waiting for the phone to ring. I just can't pay bills doing that.

    I am starting at Enterprise on Tuesday of next week. Crappy timing with the holidays, but enough is enough. Time to go.

    Good luck to everyone and be safe out there,

    Firebird (Dave)
  8. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    I doubt I would have lasted that long. What does the pay package look like for Enterprise? Last time I was at Eastman it seemed like they were loading a lot more Enterprise trucks than SPCR. Seemed like a much larger slice of the pie.
  9. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem

    All I got last week was an out and back dedicated run to N Chicago. Left on Tuesday and got home Thursday afternoon. It pays about $750 average. Looks like for Monday I will be waiting on a Holland Mi out and back dedicated to get loaded. Will probably be off for Christmas after that load by Thursday or so.
  10. Firebird

    Firebird Light Load Member

    Aug 13, 2006
    Bristol, VA
    Enterprise is very similar to Superior.

    Enterprise is averaging 30 loads per day out of Eastman (while Superior was lucky to get 4). They even have their preloaders in Eastman on the weekends.

    Not a move I really wanted to make, but I just can't make it like this. They deposited 49.99 into my account yesterday. I can't do it anymore.
  11. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    i heard that, good luck there driver and have a good christmas.
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