Superior Carriers 2011

Discussion in 'Superior Carriers' started by wsyrob, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Got lucky this morning.

    Got a call from dispatch as I was driving to the terminal this morning. He asked me how fast I could get there. I told him pretty fast since I was half way there.

    They had a last minute Hopewell Va- Houston out and back run called in this morning. Should be a good week and home for New Year.
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  3. DADof3

    DADof3 Medium Load Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Clarksville, TN
    Yes, that place is huge. They told me if I wanted to sleep I could drop and go back out to the staging area at the entrance and they would call me before they started unhooking that way I could be back there once they were done. I took in a load of ethanol and it was like a 5 hour unload I think. Maybe it just depends on what you take in or who the unloaders are, I've only been there once.

    I would take notes on the video and keeps them. After 5 minutes I forgot what all they said about what alarm means what. I panicked every time I heard any alarm. I just watched the workers and figured if the ran I was running.
  4. carolinadrifter

    carolinadrifter Light Load Member

    Nov 18, 2011
  5. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    okay, holiday's over let's get rollin.:biggrin_25519:
  6. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    okay, did everybody throw out there laptop? you gotta take a break sometime, how about an update.
  7. DADof3

    DADof3 Medium Load Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    Clarksville, TN
    Hopefully that's a sign that loads picked up for everybody.
    1catfish Thanks this.
  8. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    I just got home from a Holland Mi dedicated paint run. Left Tuesday afternoon and got back Today about 15 minutes ago. Took a little longer than 10 hours for a break last night. Sometimes you just don't want to hear an alarm and I was only 200 miles from the yard.
  9. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    i heard that, did you come back down 75? i seen some scary film footage of 77 through wv. on the weather channel.
  10. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    that's one thing i never got a chance to do, is the out and back loads. houston out and back, holland,mi out and back. some people get all the gravy.:biggrin_25522:
  11. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    It's all about the customers a terminal services. They aren't going to give these loads to out of terminal drivers much because of the dispatch policy of always sending drivers towards the home terminal and the way layover pay works.

    I waited on this Holland load all day Tuesday not knowing if it would be ready at 8AM or 3AM the next morning. That doesn't work as well for a driver sitting at a terminal.

    The Hopewell-Houston load is pure gravy. There is a driver at our terminal who runs nothing but that load once a week. They have him looking after maintenance on all the trailers that are dedicated to that account. Its a sweet deal. That load pays around $1200. You can leave Monday around 7 and get back by noon on Friday. Normally we run 2 per week picking up Monday and Thursday. He runs the Thursday one.
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