Suppport Thread for the TND 500, TND 700 or future Rand McNally products.

Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by Mark Kling, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. Iron Flyer

    Iron Flyer Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    BC Canada
    A few pages back we were talking about syncing a Mac running OSX 10.6.6 up with the new 710 through the TND dock. Just wanted to say last night I updated my 710 for the first time with my Mac and everything went smoothly.
    Mark Kling Thanks this.
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  3. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC

    Need to contact Rand Support (Sam) and have it RMA'd.

    johnq Thanks this.
  4. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Update does not do anything to the voices. Please call Sam In Rand Support so that he can assist you.

  5. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    The road system in the USA is build upon STAA and Non-STAA roads. If the road is not marked, it still can be a Non-STAA road and 53' trailers are not allowed except for local delivery. Just because hundreds of trucks travel on that road does not mean it is truck legal. If in doubt post it here and I will have Rand Check on it.

    The mulit-stop for more than one leg is in the next version release.

    I had a little difficulty understanding some of your post, so if I missed anything let me know.

    johnq Thanks this.
  6. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Rand does not record any sales of any TND from any dealership or place of purchase. Units do get stolen from drivers and the receipt is the proper method of ownership. Store demo units get stolen and then sold to a driver. The driver then calls up and wants his TND replaced. A receipt is the proof of ownership.

    You can go back to the store and if you know the date and approx time you might ask them to run the receipt for that day and see if they can print a duplicate.

  7. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Registering with Rand does not show proof of ownership. A stolen unit from a driver or store can be registered. Since I was in the younger years, if you bought something, keep the receipt. Now the receipts do fade over time, but making a copy would resolve this.

  8. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Finished up with MATS... helped a lot of drivers. Now on the Rand McNally road trip this week. I am in Lebanon, TN at the Pilot till Friday afternoon 4pm, then back home.

    Thanks for not flaming me while I was absent.


    DCROADRUNNER Bobtail Member

    Apr 7, 2011
    I had the 'PC Miler 750', RM TNC 710' & the 'dezl 560 LMT' all running together in my Mack For about a week. I just returned the garmin And the pc miler. I have been using the rand mcnally on its own for about a week now. The TNC 700 Was never in the running Because it was obviously plagued with problems and from everything I read so were the competitors at the time. That Garmin dezl is a sweet smooth running machine but for me the RN 710 edged it out for a few reasons. I love this thing and I haven't experienced any problems. I do not like the mini usb connector. It's the same that's on my phone And I'm sure will have a tendency to wear out break but other than that this thing is golden. Yes the garment uses a superior connection system but the user information available to you at a glance is not as good and the advertisement is unacceptable. Garmin cost an additional $170.00 for the commercial free. Power cord w premium traffic which worked extremely poor at best. It's too bad you had such a bad experience with your RM Because I believe the 710 Is the best unit out there right now for trucks. We will see what next year brings. It's not about the money. I will always buy the best. GPS Units, Google maps and mobile internet access are indispensable tools and I always pursue the the latest technology. Garmin is a corporate gps giant if they seriously pursue the truckers market they may become the best right now it is clear to me thet rand mcnally is working hard to satisfy this market
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2011
    Mark Kling Thanks this.
  10. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    So someone could steal my unit and reregister it with rand? How does that work?
  11. Iron Flyer

    Iron Flyer Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    BC Canada
    I imagine it would work the same as if you purchased a GPS second hand from someone. You should still be able to register for product news and updates.
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