Suppport Thread for the TND 500, TND 700 or future Rand McNally products.

Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by Mark Kling, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Did you go to main screen/preferences/route/Freeways and make sure you do not have set to avoid?

    As for routing around on the outer loops you may just have to add a via destination to force it on that route you want.

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  3. NCT_PA

    NCT_PA Light Load Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Chambersburg, PA
    Thanks for the reply.
    I was able to enter a multi stop trip, but I could only view one leg.

    I like to be able to calculate the total trip and see the total miles and driving time... and I only found the first leg miles and time.

    If the 710 has the capability and I just didn't know how to do it, I would consider purchasing another and giving Rand another chance.

    I am actually still happy with my Garmin iQ M5, but haven't been able to update the maps since they discontinued the PDA's.
    Before I returned my 710 I was in a couple towns in Mass. the 710 routed me down streets with 11' underpasses, while my M5 did not.

    I also bought (and returned a week later) the Dezl 560LMT.
    It put me on restricted roads... and also avoided non restricted roads.
    I have had better luck with my iQ PDA than the units marketed as "truck" gps's
    bbechtel16 Thanks this.
  4. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Data is not 100% perfect, if you find it routes you wrong or a truck attribute is wrong, post it here or send a Tell Rand. Rand will verify and correct. IT will show up on the next map database release.

    Seeing all legs of a Multi-stop trip is on the 510/710 and on the next version release for all other models.

    Did you only have one stop in your Multi-stop trip?

  5. NCT_PA

    NCT_PA Light Load Member

    Jan 16, 2011
    Chambersburg, PA
    During the time I had it (Pilots 7 day return for a refund), the most I had was 3 stops where I tried the multi-stop, the rest of the time I had stops that were navigated as single trips.

    But I could only view the first leg of the 3 stop trip.

    I am going to stop and get another one today and give it more of a chance.
    I returned the last one because I was at a pilot on the 6th day and got my money back while I could... and I thought I was a "Garmin Man" but it turns out I disliked the dezl even more.

    I do love my Garmin iQ M5, but again, cannot update the maps, so my map database is about 3 or 4 years old.
  6. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Be sure to enter in more than one stop, then on the map screen slide out the Turn-by-turn, you should all the legs.

    Newest version for the 510/710 is 1945. (update)

  7. rgochnauer

    rgochnauer Bobtail Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    In my humble opinion, the TND 700 is not a well built GPS. The processor is way way to slow the graphics are childish at best and I feel I don't get a very good overall view of my trip...what I mean is when using this GPS I know where it want to take me and where I am but if I want to see if it is my best way to go I must refer to my Motor Carriers Atlas. I do multiple drops and to see where I am compared to areas not routed are difficult. Now a heavy weight in navigation (in my opinion) is Microsoft streets and trips with GPS I understand that there is no truck app. for this but it far superior to the TND 700. By the way the TND 700 is taking up space on my shelf in the bunk it will not hold a charge, the power connection is no longer working the unit will not longer turn on. I am sorry I ever purchased this GPS and I tell everyone who asks my troubles with it.
  8. Iron Flyer

    Iron Flyer Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    BC Canada
    Thank you Mark, I have been watching it over the past couple of days and now both of these past days it has worked fine. Why it didn't show anything before must have been a glitch or user error, I was in a "way out there" location, using GPS coordinates instead of a proper address, which may have had some factor on it. Now that I've figured out how to work it, it is a neat feature.
  9. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    let me have the starting point and the ending lat\long.... I need to check this out..

  10. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    You still have your receipt?

  11. Iron Flyer

    Iron Flyer Light Load Member

    May 29, 2010
    BC Canada
    Can I email it to your gmail account, I don't want to post the ending coordinates on here.
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