Suppport Thread for the TND 500, TND 700 or future Rand McNally products.

Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by Mark Kling, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. jet460

    jet460 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 8, 2011
    Modesto, Ca
    I just did all of that, and it is doing the same thing.
    Repair failed.
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  3. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    PM me and let me remote into it and look at it..

  4. Ukumfe

    Ukumfe Medium Load Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    I decided to hook my 520 up to the computer a few minutes ago to check for any updates. My device was off. I unplugged power cord and plugged in USB cord, when I plugged the USB cord into the computer the device powered up and when it showed it was connected it did something it has never done before.

    It said....DING!!!I downloaded an update decided to run the diagnostic and repair. During that my device said DING!!! three more times.

    It's loud, it's annoying. I don't need it to do that. I don't want it to do that. Why did it do that? How can I stop it from ever doing that again?!?!
  5. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Part of the OS of the system. Mine does it sometimes also.

  6. X-Country

    X-Country Medium Load Member

    Mar 27, 2014
    nevermind, I got them working. :)

    I uploaded the Werner Drop Yards file. I tested it on my RM TND 520 LM GPS and works beautifully. Title Names, Addresses all display properly and go to the correct coordinates.

    Werner Drop Yards Updated (4/2014)
  7. jmroadhog

    jmroadhog Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    Grand Forks BC
    I believe the sound comes from a file or program within the OS crashes as the only time I have heard it when my unit crashes in some form. It did it today after downloading and installing a database and when I did a diagnostic and repair it found 23 corrupt files. It had made the same sound the last time my
    Navi exe crashed.
    I am quite sure that when you hear a DING that something did not start or load properly. My pc does the same thing once in a while when a program fails to start properly.
    Ukumfe Thanks this.
  8. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    The more PC way would be to turn your TND off, connect to the computer,turn on, then update. Once done, either dismount the TND via safely remove hardware or to turn the TND off and then disconnect.

    Remember the TND has programs and files running when you connect it to the computer, this in turn basically somewhat crashes any running programs.

  9. jmroadhog

    jmroadhog Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    Grand Forks BC
    Ya mine did it when I turned it of, then unplugged from a/c then plugged in again to pc via usb, I would have liked it better if the unit wouldn't start up as soon as you plug it in to power but rather have to use the power button to turn it on.
    Is there any way to change this behaviour as I think maybe you could get a minor power spike happening at times or too many programs trying to start at the same time?
  10. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Has to do mainly with the CE part of it. I suggest just turn off the TND before disconnecting and then turn on again.

    Sometimes if you disconnect while still on, you may get a systems files missing error message when it boots up. Just turn off the TND, then turn it back on again.

  11. jmroadhog

    jmroadhog Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2012
    Grand Forks BC
    I always turn the unit off before disconnecting from power but I would still be happier if it didn't turn on when plugging it in and had to use the power button to turn it on after plugging it in.
    I have had numerous instances of my TND turning on when starting my truck, prob an interruption of the accessory circuit making the unit think It was just plugged in,my TND 700 never did this as it did not auto start when plugged it. I know your gonna tell me to unplug the unit before starting the truck but that's a pain and shouldn't be necessary and there again as soon as you plug it in it will start up and then you have to shut it off if you didn't want it running at that time.
    There must be a way to stop it from auto starting when plugged in to power?
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
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