Swift Academy Licenses Suspended

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by tony282003, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]

    Dear Jeffrey:

    Thank you for contacting my website regarding CDL
    driver's licenses. I appreciate you taking the time to write me.

    Driver's licenses in Indiana are issued by the Indiana Bureau
    of Motor Vehicles and are under the jurisdiction of the State of Indiana.
    As your federal representative, my office has oversight of federal
    agencies and laws. Therefore, I respectfully encourage you to contact
    your State Representative and State Senator at
    http://www.in.gov/legislative or at the addresses listed below:

    Indiana House of Representatives
    200 West Washington Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46202

    Indiana State Senate
    200 West Washington Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46202

    Again, it was good to hear from you, please do not hesitate to
    contact me again regarding an issue of a federal nature.

    Best Regards,

    Steve Buyer
    Member of Congress

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  3. rookietrucker

    rookietrucker Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Jul 15, 2007

    Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you found it and hope it helps you. The link you posted brings you right back here to page 13. :biggrin_2559: no biggie
  4. nikondvr

    nikondvr Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2007
    I guess the good senator doesn't realize the involvement of the FMCSA makes this a federal matter. My state, SC, stated they recalled all licenses because the FMCSA told them to recall them as a safety concern.
  5. Raezzor

    Raezzor Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    Aug 1, 2009
    Columbus, OH
    FMCSA may have said there are concerns about those licenses, but I don't believe they could have forced the license revocation.
  6. tony282003

    tony282003 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, NY
    November 24, 2009

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2009
  7. nikondvr

    nikondvr Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2007
    Perhaps you are unaware of how this works. You WILL revoke these licenses or you WILL NOT recieve any of your federal highway tax money back to build or repair roads. It's the feds way of dictating to the states even when they don't have legal authority to do so. It's the same tactic used to force seat belt laws and the 55 mph speed limit in the 70's.
  8. tony282003

    tony282003 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, NY
    Video clip from Nashville's WSMV-TV Channel 4's 6 o'clock newscast October 16, 2009:


  9. nikondvr

    nikondvr Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2007
    Tony, thanks for posting that link. Very interesting. It's amazing that something like this hasn't garnered more attention from the press. I guess this guy's employer wouldn't allow him to use one of their trucks to retake the test as mine did. I would have been in quite a jam if mine hadn't been so accommodating.
    tony282003 Thanks this.
  10. phroziac

    phroziac Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Gary, IN
    Michigan allows a cheat sheet too, but they're supposed to be very anal on what the sheet looks like. IIRC, its even in the Michigan CDL Manual, just rip it out and take it with... Infact, my examiner said i shouldve had a clipboard with me! Anyway, it's simply a list of the names of items you're looking for. Nothing else. You can't write any notes on it or anything. The list made it easy to remember to say everything, but since it was just names.....you could still very easily fail by not knowing what they are.

    As they told us in my school, basically everything starts with "properly mounted and secure", and saying that when it doesnt make sense will not make you fail. For example, i checked if my windshield was properly mounted and secure, if my defroster was properly mounted and secure, if my steering wheel was properly mounted and secure..hahahaha. :)

    You know, some of the things on it really dont make much sense at all. How would you not notice a windshield that has a DOT out of service crack, without looking for it? come on! And technically speaking, arent all these transponders on my windshield illegal? I'm supposed to have 3, but im missing KTAg and i really dont go to kansas, so i havent bothered to replace it yet.
  11. phroziac

    phroziac Road Train Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    Gary, IN
    Thats odd, here in michigan, the dmv (called secretary of state/SOS here) cannot do road tests. Even weirder is i had a chick at the SOS that thought they did. wtf? Has to be a third party testing company here, and they charge $100 for it!
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