Swift Academy Licenses Suspended

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by tony282003, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. busterhound333

    busterhound333 Bobtail Member

    Dec 24, 2009
    im so glad for you (1pissedoffdriver) that you had a friend with a truck that could help you get your CDL's but most of us dont have that option we have to do that little thing called truck driving school to get our CDL's so dont try to make people that HAD! to go another rout feel like they are stupid or wasted their time doing what we had to do... :biggrin_25514:
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  3. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Care to run a poll to see how many trucking school graduates coming out of a CDL school in the past year are actually driving a truck ?
    When you get the results we'll discuss wasted time . The main reason companies hire a new trainee is to replace a trainee hired less than 6 months ago that was terminated or quit .
    I'd say a person with no experience trying to get into an industry where 9,000 people a month are losing their jobs isn't exactly the sharpest tack in the box . Here's a list of recent CDL mill graduates . http://forums.aliensoup.com/archive/index.php/t-1289.html
  4. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Rick--- Good One !!!!!!!!!!!
  5. tony282003

    tony282003 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, NY
    February 17, 2010, in LandLine Magazine.com:


    Pennsylvania resident drivers have until late April to schedule a retest, so it's important that they call PennDOT immediately, should they desire to get in before the settlement offer expires.

    Please click on the link above for the full story.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2010
  6. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA
    If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change back


    I just thought this one stood out!
  7. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    Yep, me and the other folks in the Wannabe Class of 2010! "Hail to thee alma mater...":biggrin_25525:

  8. jbnavy

    jbnavy Bobtail Member

    May 29, 2010
    danville, va
    just went through the school, it was 2 weeks in millington then a week of road training in the closest terminal to me which happened to be in my home state. Friday of the 3rd week was off to the dmv. Got my license then and headed to the mentor's truck for 6 weeks. Averaged driving about 3000 miles a week of driving while I was with the mentr... Overall I drove about 17000 miles before getting cut loose by myself.
  9. spiegelsteven

    spiegelsteven Bobtail Member

    May 3, 2010
    Evedently you were not caught up in this ########. If you were you would be pissed at swift to are do you work for them? When swift has a bunch of idiots running a trucking school who are taking bribes from students to pass them then you have your license suspended and are forced to pay the tuition then i think you would be pissed just like the rest of us. If it was just because of the dmv being on there property then why the hell were the feds all up there ### at the school going thru there ####?
    Free Thanks this.
  10. spiegelsteven

    spiegelsteven Bobtail Member

    May 3, 2010
    Did you ever get anywhere with your quest to here from other drivers from swift academy ? I was home for the week end got pulled over for drifting through a stop sign with out a complete stop and was arrested for driving without a license . Had to quit my job and reopen my masonry company. I was so tired of laying brick and now here i am $5000 dollars poorer still laying them. I want to get back on the road but cant seem to come up with enough time or money to do it because of this #### econamy. If you need me to join in your cause you can email me @spiegelsteven@gmail.com. Thanks and have a merry Christmas .:biggrin_25510:
  11. spiegelsteven

    spiegelsteven Bobtail Member

    May 3, 2010
    I don't have you passing the written test if you are that dumb to think that a recruiter from swift who makes a commission off of each and every student that is being brought through there cdl mill is going to give you information like that.If you want to see how honest your they are ask them about it and then see if they tell you about the 5000 people who lost there license . Don't you think that you might have second thoughts about attending a school that just went threw a state and federal investigation for fraudulent activity's, and instead of the people who are in violation getting handled they have enough balls to go after the drivers. Know who's paying who? I think every State including the state of TN should pay each and every driver who's license was suspended the money that everyone lost for not being off the road and swift should pay us back our tuition.Plus the time we wasted in there ###### ### school.
    So Mr my recruiter didn't say anything about it if you still go there and attend there school you have to have a hole in your head.and deserve anything you get. This is for your own good and you shouldn't get mad you should be thanking me for some great info.:biggrin_25523:
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
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