Swift Academy Licenses Suspended

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by tony282003, Jan 9, 2009.

  1. jmeek30

    jmeek30 Bobtail Member

    Feb 6, 2009
    Youngstown, Ohio
    Hey all been awhile, so from what im reading there will be no money reimbursed with the class action settlement. Just the state extending deadlines. I live in ohio, and have not heard anything about anything lol. O well I figured that Swift would come out on top...
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  3. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN
    Well Spiegel this whole thread is old news. They did things bad and got caught. They provide better training now over some of the other 3 week schools. I didn't go to school there.

    I work there. Memphis is my home terminal.
  4. nikondvr

    nikondvr Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2007
    It's only old news to those who weren't affected by it and therefore don't have a dog in the fight so to speak. Yes, they are doing things differently now. But that doesn't help those that were screwed over before. I was fortunate in that the company that I now work for allowed me the use of a rig to go retake my test when South Carolina decided that either I completely retest written, pre-trip, and road portions or my license would revert back to a class DM. That's after I had been driving for three years pulling boxes, flatbeds, stepdecks, and doubles in 46 out of the 48. I have all endorsements on my license and still to this day it is squeeky clean with NO points for anything. Those that didn't have a company, friend, etc. to loan them a rig for the test were in one hell of a jam. When you say "you work there" do you mean simply for Swift or are you an instructor at Millington. Either way, you shouldn't be so dismissive of what Swift and the state of Tennessee did. It caused real and actual harm to hundreds of students who paid good hard earned money in good faith for a service that they did not receive.
    TruckrsWife and Buckeye 'bedder Thank this.
  5. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN
    Nope not an instructor. AFAIK they weren't doing the proper road tests. Several schools in TN lost their 3rd party testing privileges. The state now might shadow you as you take your test. The tester better do it right, and to the letter. Some times a state tester will show up and take over the testing.

    I don't believe the state did anything wrong. Former Swift trainees weren't the only ones who got nailed.

    I'm just a stupid truck driver.
  6. nikondvr

    nikondvr Light Load Member

    Feb 7, 2007
    What I have against Tennessee is that it is their responsibility to verify the proper standards are being met by the third party testers if they are going to certify and allow them to operate. They failed to do this. And then when the feds came in, Tennessee in a knee jerk reaction decided to immediately invalidate all tests for the given time period. Since other states had issued CDL's based on Tennessee's licenses, once those licenses were retroactively nullified it automatically voids the grounds on which the various states had issued their licenses.
    Swift even had the gall to demand immediate payment from some students after they lost their licenses and could no longer drive. When they could not pay because they were no longer working due to Swift's own culpability in the matter, they went after their credit. How's that for being low and shady? Swift now has the mentors take the students to their home states to test from what I understand. That way there is no third party tester.
  7. Corthidian

    Corthidian Bobtail Member

    my question would be, I know a law suit has been filed, but anyone know the name of the Law Firm that is handling this situation? I would like to know, because I wasn;t even notified my CDL had been re-called. and I agree, Tennessee D.O.T. is guilty of negligence in this case. However, Swift, also violated federal law, by signing the name of a third party tester to every driving test to issue CDL's and paid off the DOT officers to receive the CDL's. :biggrin_25510:
  8. tony282003

    tony282003 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yorkshire, NY
    HI guys . . .

    There is a class action lawsuit regarding this matter. Law firm is Philip J Fuoco. I'll follow up with more details soon. It's late and I gotta catch some zzz's.
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