Swift - New Pay Scale complete details

Discussion in 'Swift' started by richsoucie, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. richsoucie

    richsoucie Light Load Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    It is worth noting that the only 17's we have on site are lease trucks so maybe they got the bigger inverter so they can charge them more
    Moosetek13 Thanks this.
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  3. Blk_Powder

    Blk_Powder Bobtail Member

    Feb 22, 2017
    Thank you both for responding....Any input on my other questions? Detention time/pay? Avg miles on dry van side? It's one thine to get paid high cpm, it becomes moot when you're sitting a lot.
  4. dptrucker

    dptrucker Road Train Member

    May 14, 2012
    Detention jsuly pays after 2 hours of sittimg. The clock starts at appt time and not if you show up early. You will have to talk to your driver leader every time to see if you would get paid. And ask nicely lol.
    Ave load miles will depend on you and what loads are available. Oonce you get off trainers truck, you will get between 1800 and 2400 miles ave. . They do this to see how you handle yourself with the load. As you show the ability to get load there on time and safely you will get better miles. Dont be the ones who refuse a short mileage load in hopes of getting a longer ones. Thay short load might be setting yourself up for a nive one. I seen guys who refuse short loads and they sit awhile and complain why lol
    Blk_Powder Thanks this.
  5. inkeper

    inkeper Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    You also have to respond to the quallcom messages that get sent to your truck while you are waiting to get loaded or unloaded. Again, you have to be there on time and detention pay starts 2 hours after appointment time. You do have to remind your driver leader that you have detention pay coming, I wish it was automatic but sadly it isn't.
    dptrucker Thanks this.
  6. richsoucie

    richsoucie Light Load Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    Mine always comes automatic unless my dm just remembers to put it thru but i have never had to tell him
  7. Rocknroller4

    Rocknroller4 Road Train Member

    Nov 25, 2015
    Hey Ray. I am near Troutdale. Was offered a job doing Swift Rite Aid Dedicated. Do you have any insight into that position and whether it would be good for a rookie like myself? Have a cdl but have yet to use it. I was told by someone else that worked for Swift that being a rookie maybe it would be better to start OTR first before worrying about home time or dedicated. Appreciate it. Thanks.
  8. needitnow

    needitnow Bobtail Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Hey, just reading you post. Just left the shop Foreman at Greer. He said if you buy an inverter they will install it for you. And if they have any in stock they will install a 2500watt for you. Also swift has started installing apu's. All tho this is a slow process as there are 20,000 plus trucks. And limited shop personal. Pay scale for box, refer, and flat are the same except flat goes from .37 to .43 in the first year van and refer go to .38 in a year. Avg miles for van for lazy driver 1800-2200. Good time management. 2500-3000.
    ZeeX10 and inkeper Thank this.
  9. JasonK314

    JasonK314 Bobtail Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    Tampa, FL
    I'm considering going to Swift. Can any swifties who have access to the current pay-scale tell me what the starting pay for a driver with 4+ years experience on the East Coast is? I'm only interested in the long-haul+deadhead rate since that's essentially the "base rate". I know shorter runs pay a little extra, but I can guestimate those numbers out based on the base rate and the chart posted on page one of this thread.

    I could call and ask a recruiter, but they would try to hard sell me into signing up right away and I'd prefer not to deal with that yet. I also wouldn't believe them completely anyway.
  10. dptrucker

    dptrucker Road Train Member

    May 14, 2012
    They started me at .39 cpm. But this is on the west coast
    They considered my 15 yrs of local as 4 years
    JasonK314 Thanks this.
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