Swift Solo miles

Discussion in 'Swift' started by Oaktown, May 29, 2013.

  1. Wolfyinc

    Wolfyinc Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Salem, or
    30min break? I didn't hear about this until now, didn't know there was even a video. Does it count if you stop a couple times during your 11 and take a 15min break or does it have to be a consecutive 30?
    Some rules are a bit ignorant, more and more they are trying to run down that 14 hour timer wasted on stuff other than driving. I had to do a 34 one week where I could of got by with hours picked up if I didn't have to log being at a shipper for over 5 hours. They dont seem to realize every minute counts, this in my opinion will slow down freight but guess we will see how things go. They could change things again, I know I was told it used to be only 10 hours for driving and not long ago was changed to 11. My wife's grandfather retired a couple years ago and didn't believe her when she said I drove 11 hours most days.

    All I hope is that they dont end up fooking trucking up where I dont make enough money, I will go to a higher paying company much faster if I cant run enough once I have enough experience.

    Side question, I know this is definitely a rookie question I should know already and even embarrassed to ask lol but I rather ask here then wait and act stupid when I need one, when you need an empty and there isnt one then who are you supposed to contact to help find one, the dm? We were lucky during training and didnt run into the issue except for my very first day but I didnt think to ask the process if you cant find one.
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  3. roadlt

    roadlt Medium Load Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hughson, California
    yeah it does, so does Oct, lol
    scottied67 Thanks this.
  4. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    OK ... the videos for the HOS changes have started coming out on the QC over the last 2 weeks.

    For an MT ... Freeform a message to your DM, they will have a planner direct you to an MT. If you are at a terminal, the process varies, depending on their policies. Some you have to go to the window and ask for an MT, some will have a planner assign/dispatch on an MT at the terminal and some will send you on an easter egg hunt in the yard.

    Call your mentor and bug him ... he should have gone over all of this with you. Just because you didn't have to do it doesn't mean he didn't have to teach you ...

    Last, any questions, your DM is there - or should be anyway - to help.
    Wolfyinc Thanks this.
  5. Wolfyinc

    Wolfyinc Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Salem, or
    Its also part my fault not asking questions too so I cant blame him, he may of even explained it and I just forgot or didnt pay attention like an idiot. Either way thanks for the answer, I have been keeping in touch with my mentor and he told me to call him up if I have questions or need help, I figured I would see if I get the answer here first. If it comes a time where I need to know at the moment then I will call him up and bug him. He was a good mentor so dont get the wrong impression, he would answer any question I would throw at him and he would try teaching me things even when it wasnt needed, I even asked about chaining up and he told me get out of the truck and do it even though we were sitting at a truck stop. I do forget things though if I dont do them at least once myself. Heck I have forgotten which macro to use even after using it a couple times a week before.
  6. scarface2200

    scarface2200 Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    St Louis MO

    Ya this BS at logging on duty at shippers is Swifts idea not DOT so I log checking in and getting paper work. And then Im in the sleeper til they are done,

    If you log shipper time u wont be driving much since we mostly do live loads which when I started they said 90% was D/H I sure hsvent seen it

    How they really going to know anyways they wont snd cant prove u did ur own thing while being loaded unloaded if im told I have to sit iin shippers break room then I log but other wise I do sleeper

    They want us to log everything but not pay us bs im not and if u sit at a shipper on duty 6 hrs then u gotta tak this new gay break coming then u will have to waste even more of your 14

    These new rules are a joke the rules are fine now they just need to make all trucks go to elog the paper logs sre the problem they are cheating them constantly my friend runs 15 to 18hr days and just backs up his log

    I dont need no one to tell me I need a break and if im delivery that is my break if I sit around doing nothing that just makes me tired and the people doing these rules are like our gov useless
  7. blazblu82

    blazblu82 Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2013
    Wichita, KS
    When I drove for Swift, anytime I hit a shipper/receiver, I'd drop down to on duty - not driving for 15 minutes then drop to sleeper berth until the client was done. Went back up to on duty - not driving for another 15 while prepping to leave then back to on duty - driving for when I left. Never had anyone question my logging.
  8. scarface2200

    scarface2200 Light Load Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    St Louis MO

    Ya they just started this bs a few months ago and are trying to say its what DOT says they are liars and thats why. Log the way u did.
  9. blazblu82

    blazblu82 Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2013
    Wichita, KS
    It's been 2.5 years since driving for Swift, do they still use paper logs which can be scanned? I spoke with Dawn at Eddy's-ville, KS and she commented about electronic logs.
  10. blsqueak

    blsqueak Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2009
    buckeye lake, oh
    All Electronic logs now
  11. lilrich

    lilrich Light Load Member

    May 2, 2013
    phoenix AZ
    sadly swift isn't bsing about that law it is in the fmsca cant show where as i dont remember where. it states that unless a shipper release you from duty you are to remain on duty. but im with you 100% I used to do exactly what you did when i drove in 06 and when i come back i will do the same. its my time my money there trying to throw away. and there will never be any proof that the shipper/reciever didnt release me from duty unless im required to stay in there lobby.
    heck i had one tell me i had to do that in the past and i told her if i did that than ill be sleeping in your parking lot if it takes more than an hour to load me! well i was "released" have to know how to talk to them, they dont understand the guide lines we have and dont expect them to know its not there job to know. Dont let your DM control you either, your not a puppet. if your dm says your not released go talk to the shipper and tell them what i said above none of them want you crowding there yard. TIP: always carry your fmsca hand book with you so you can show then the rules sometimes you will have to "prove it"

    has to be consecutive 30 mins had to be taking between hrs 4- 7.5 after first logging on duty/driving many will just use the fuel stops as the way to log this and not slow them down too much so expect to see more a holes parked in fuel lines
    inkeper Thanks this.
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