Tale of the 7/7 (2012)

Discussion in 'Roehl' started by 1026, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. 1026

    1026 Light Load Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    Northwest Georgia
    I was hired in to Roehl a couple weeks ago for the 7/7 Fleet. I got bit by the flu bug so it kept me at home an extra two weeks. Looks like I launch on Tuesdays being out 7 days, then home time 7 days.

    A little history before I begin. I've been off the road since March of 2011 as I left Knight on an offer to get back into construction management, something I swore I'd never do again...and I mean it this time. Economic conditions has slowed us down to a halt. I'm tired of this gig & never really liked it when the economy was good.

    I started this past Monday with three other recruits in Ellenwood, GA. It started with the backing test, then on to the road test. Next up was the drug, urine & hair follicle. From there we did a physical test at the terminal. After a great lunch we were off to the DR. for the DOT physical. When this was complete that called it a day at about 5:00 p.m.

    Tuesday we watched a few videos, issued our company manual, pictures taken for the ID's and released for the day about 3:00 p.m.

    Wednesday was more vid's, a HAZMAT test, issued fuel cards & electronic gate key, and turned in our payroll information.

    Thursday we met our FM, a little more paperwork, given a hat, and those that are driving "full" time were issued their trucks & loads to get out and get after making their wages. I went on to the house & will begin my saga the 3rd of January....thus the 2012 tag.

    From start until right here, all is good. Roehl put's off a good vibe & by what I experienced professional. I'll keep my posts accurate and posted from MY perspective. That being said I'll see y'all back here after I return from my 1st weeks dispatch somewhere around January 10th.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
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  3. TheTank

    TheTank Heavy Load Member

    Welcome to Roehl!
  4. Ultra7

    Ultra7 Heavy Load Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    NE Ohio
    Welcome to the team.
  5. Moriarti

    Moriarti Medium Load Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    NW Indiana
    Come to terms with the idea that you're out eight, home six, *now*

    Don't let it come to you as a suprise.
  6. beckysrobbie

    beckysrobbie Bobtail Member

    Mar 5, 2007
    wisconsin rapids, wi
    Come to terms with the idea that you're out eight, home six, *now*

    True That!
  7. Lantern

    Lantern Road Train Member

    Mar 8, 2011
    Deliverin Soda
    Welcome to the Roehl team boss man!
  8. Catmandew69

    Catmandew69 Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2010
    what do u do for the physical test? Is it the same as the DOT test?
  9. notezbngrn71

    notezbngrn71 Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Stevensville, MI
    I can't remember all the specific exercises, but suffice to say you have to demonstrate that you can climb into a trailer, up onto a flatbed, close heavy doors, squat under trailers, and carry 75lbs.
  10. 1026

    1026 Light Load Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    Northwest Georgia
    Pretty easy stuff. Mind you though your heart rate can't exceed 150bpm.
    • Check blood pressure
    • Squat twice under the trailer to demonstrate a part of the PT inspection
    • Climb up into the trailer
    • Lift a milk crate with 30# and then 50# three times
    • Pull 100# of force
    • Push 80# of force
    This happens at the terminal with your urine & hair follicle test.

    At the DR. for the DOT they again check your BP, weight, & measure your neck. There's a formula there that determines if your a candidate for sleep apnea. The last test is for a hernia.
  11. 1026

    1026 Light Load Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    Northwest Georgia
    Waking up this morning I had an email from payroll. It confirmed a deposit into my checking account for wages earned attending orientation.

    I'll add that to the "+" column only because I was under the impression this would not be deposited until my 1st trip. Granted this impression did not come from Roehl directly, but rather driver mumbo jumbo in orientation.

    I should of confirmed directly with Roehl, but I wasn't in need or depending upon the deposit...So all is good that they moved forward in doing the right thing & not withholding wages contingent upon jumping through hoops.
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