TANKER YANKERS ( good tanker companies)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Mortar Man, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. mattfield80

    mattfield80 Light Load Member

    Jun 29, 2012
    Kernersville NC
    thanks man lol....today was my second day of training hauling the butane! i got to hook up the lines a couple times. the lines are hard to move around but im sure ill learn the tricks....gotta light day tomorrow, only one load, then i have to go to the dot physical sight again. ( i had a workers comp claim back in 11' for a mild knee spraign...its 100 percent now but i guess kenan wants to see for themselves...) then off the weekend. resuming training monday...
    RJ33RD Thanks this.
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  3. route man

    route man Light Load Member

    Jan 13, 2013
  4. Twicebit

    Twicebit Light Load Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Does anyone have the most updated "Pay and Benefits" information on these two companies: 1) Schneider Nat'l Bulk Carriers and 2) Superior Carriers? The data below on each of these companies was originally posted/borrowed by wsyrob in Jan '09 in post #4 on this thread. I just copied and pasted it.

    Thank you!
    SCHNEIDER NATIONAL (1 year O.T.R. required w/HAZMAT, Student grad from approved school, or, Schneider school grad)
    Starting mileage pay (solo), student rate after completion of training (Short Miles):
    0-6 months: .29 (Southeast pay scale)....32 (Normal pay scale)
    7 months-1year: .31..............................34
    1-2 years: .35.......................................36
    2-3 years: .36.......................................37
    3-4 years: .37.......................................38
    4-5 years: .38.......................................39
    5-6 years: .39.......................................40
    6-7 years: .40.......................................41
    7-8 years: .41.......................................42
    8 + years: .005 increase annually every other year, capping at 30 years.

    Loading/Unloading/Detention Pay:
    $25 per live load/unload, then $10/hour after 3 hours.

    Tank Wash Pay:

    Short-Haul Pay (in addition to mileage and accessory pay):
    0-100 miles: $40
    101-200 miles: $20
    201-300 miles: $10

    Breakdown Pay (after 24 hours):
    $70-90 (depending on experience), then after eight hours $40 allowance for hotel.

    Layover Pay (after 24 hours):
    $70-90 (depending on experience), then after twenty-four hours $40 motel allowance.

    Canada Border Crossing Delay Pay (after 2 hours):
    $20, then $10 each additional hour.

    Holiday Pay:
    $40/day for six major holidays.

    Funeral Pay:
    $40/day for three days for funeral of family member.

    Training Pay:
    $300/week for three weeks.

    Quarterly Safety Bonus:
    0-1 year: $300
    1+ years: $600

    Vacation Pay:
    Paid average weekly earnings.
    1 Week at 1 year.
    2 weeks at 2 years.
    3 weeks at 7 years.
    4 weeks at 15 years.

    Time Off:
    12-14 days out, 3 days in.

    Insurance :
    Health (after 90 days for inexperienced drivers, immediately for experienced drivers):
    Option 1: Single plan $20.33/week, Family plan (1 dependent) $61.81, Family plan (2+ dependents) $75.21.
    Option 2: .................$13.97........................... ......................$45.40...................... ......................$53.08.
    Option 3: .................$35.80........................... ......................$81.06...................... ......................$98.38.

    Dental (after nine months for inexperienced drivers, immediately for experienced drivers):
    Single Plan: $1.65/week.
    Driver and Child: $4.24.
    Driver and Spouse: $4.46.
    Family: $4.70.

    Vision and Life Insurance (after 90 days for inexperienced drivers, immediately for experienced drivers):
    Company paid.

    Addtional insurance offered (Disabilty, Supplemental life, etc.)

    401k Plan (after 90 days):
    Company matches 50% of the first 4%, then 100% match on 5th% and 6th%. Company match maxes at $2,500 annually.

    SUPERIOR CARRIERS, INC. (1 year O.T.R. required w/HAZMAT, or, Student grad from approved school in top 3% of class)
    Starting mileage pay (Practical Route Miles):
    .38 Loaded/.34 Empty.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: .40 Loaded/.34 Empty

    Loading/Unloading Pay (All live loads):
    $20 first 2 hours, then $12.91/hour.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $20 first 2 hours, then $13.29/hour

    Drop/Hook Pay (For load pickups/drops):
    $5 each, $10 full drop and hook.
    Note...if a driver is delayed more than 45 minutes during a drop and hook at a customer due to the load not being ready, waiting for security, paperwork, sample results, etc. then the driver will be paid the $20 live load flat rate.

    Tank Wash Pay:
    Note...almost all tank washes involve dropping dirty tank and/or hooking a clean tank. If the driver is delayed more than 45 minutes due to waiting for their assigned tank to be cleaned then the driver will be paid the $20 live load flat rate.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $13.29/hour.

    Breakdown Pay:
    Breakdown pay will be paid until the driver goes into a hotel if necessary due to an extended breakdown situation, then will go on layover pay schedule.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $13.29/hour.

    Sleeper Berth Pay:
    $8 for each night used.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $10/night

    Canada Border Crossing Pay:
    $15 first hour, then $12.91/hour.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $15 first hour, then $13.29/hour

    Local Pay (Loads under 76 miles of domiciled terminal. Also, 51% of your loads must be "local" to be paid this rate, otherwise will be paid hourly rate.):

    Layover Pay (after 15 hours):
    $12.91/hour (103.28 each full paid 8-hour period), plus hotel during layover. First fifteen hours free, then paid eight, then ten free, then paid eight, etc if necessary.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $13.29/hour ($106.32)

    Holiday Pay, Bereavement Pay, Jury Duty Pay:
    Nine major holidays, one floating holiday, and three days for funeral of family member.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $106.32/day.

    Personal Days (after 30 days):
    0-5 years: 2 days.
    5+ years: 5 days.
    ***Oct. 02, 2006: $106.32/day.

    Training Pay (Depending upon experience):
    Experienced drivers: $12.91/hour all on-duty hours.
    Inexperienced drivers: $100/day for up to six weeks, as deemed necessary by trainer.
    Also, within sixty (60) days of hire, driver must attend the company's five-day safety and orientation course in Kingsport, TN. Driver will be provided company-paid lodging and training pay. If driver fails course they will be immediately terminated and not eligible for re-hire.

    Vacation Pay:
    2 Weeks at 1 year.
    3 weeks at 8 years.
    4 weeks at 16 years.
    5 weeks at 24 years.

    Time Off:
    5-7 days out, 1-2 days in.

    Insurance (after 30 days):
    Health, Dental, and Prescription Insurance:
    Single plan $25/week.
    Family plan $37/week.

    Life and disability insurance are paid for by the company.

    Vision Insurance:
    Not available. However, employee will receive a discount for services using medical benefits.

    401k Plan (Open enrollment every quarter. Company automatically enrolls driver at 3% unless other amount requested or driver declines enrollment):
    Company matches 50% up to a max of $600 annually.

    Profit Sharing Plan (After 1 year)
    Mack185 Thanks this.
  5. RJ33RD

    RJ33RD Heavy Load Member

    Aug 27, 2009
    Baltimore, Md
    There is a thread on here about Tanking the Schneider way.
    Twicebit Thanks this.
  6. CourtneyLorenne

    CourtneyLorenne Bobtail Member

    Jul 7, 2017
    Any advice on decent companies to drive tank with no-touch freight? I love driving tank. I started at Schneider a few years back and they were good to me, but I've done my time with driver loads and unloads (really tired of suiting up for hazmat in the heat). I'm great with customer loads/unloads and/or drop and hook. Would love to find something reliable with decent, consistent pay. Thoughts? Does such a job even exist?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
  7. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    Air products, Praxair, GE Betz, Nalco, Hazmat environmental, clean harbors. Are the ones off the top of my head. Where do you live. If your near a major city you shouldn't have problems finding any of the above listed. And all of these companies pay 75k and up
  8. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    Been looking on info about GE Betz. You wouldn't know anything off the top of your head would you?
  9. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    What would you like to know. They are being sold off to suez by GE. Because GE bought Baker Hughes .
  10. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    Just really like what they do, basically just a run down like that. Pay, I applied for east Hartford. I'm guessing they are hard to get on with?
  11. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    You applied to GE mobile water not GE Betz. And GE mobile water hauls mobile water filters to different factories water filtration. GE Betz is a chemical distribution driving job. Betz is hard to get on with. But mobile water is a bit easier
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