Tell us about your Ham/CB Station

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by kc0rey, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. kd5drx

    kd5drx <strong>Master of Electronic Communications</stron

    Nov 28, 2006
    Some where USA
    ok where to start here's the list and it grows every day.
    Ham Shack in the states.
    HF Rigs
    All Mode all bands
    Power supply
    Alinco 35 amp
    Antennas HF
    1500 ft wire loop
    Antennas VHF UHF
    13 element beam 2mtr
    ringo omni
    Home brew roller inductor
    Amps HF
    Henry 2KD-5
    2 pill worthmore
    Moble antennas
    NO5E 10-160 screwdriver
    Ham shack here in Iraq
    MFJ 25 amp duel voltage power supply
    Z11 pro tuner
    KAM+ TNC

    Thats about it for me there are some other things i probably fogot but thats a good start on the way thing grow once you start this hobby.
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  3. kc8vje

    kc8vje Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2007
    East Point, KY 41216
    Here we go...(I'm a packrat, can't you tell)

    Home station consists of the following:

    Yaesu FT-857D HF/VHF/UHF
    LDG AT 100PRO Autotuner
    MFJ 4035MV power supply
    RigBlaster Pro
    Broadcast Studio Mic. (modified for PTT)
    G5RV dipole
    Cushcraft R6 Vertical
    Homebrew Copper Cactus for VHF & UHF (FT-857)
    Motorola Spectra 100w VHF (Commercial and Amateur Use)
    Old Stationmaster VHF Repeater antenna
    Kenwood TK830H (Commercial and Amateur Use)
    Maxrad 5dB Fiberglass Base Antenna
    Astron 50 Amp power supply

    Test Equipment:

    Motorola R2001A Service Monitor
    Wavetek 2100 Service Monitor (usually carry on the truck)
    MFJ 269 SWR Analyzer (priceless)


    Yaesu FT-857D HF/VHF/UHF
    Hustler Dual Band NMO Antenna
    Radio Shack PRO 2067 Scanner
    Cobra 29 NWWXST CB (No Noise Toys, Barefoot) with (Get This) Modified Motorola Noise Cancelling Mic from Old Micor. (Excellent Crisp Clear Audio)

    That be me............:happy8:
  4. why not just do it the right way and use a president hr2510 right out of the box....its a fully functional ham no echo though or talkback i have been in traverse city, mi and talked to greensboro, nc
  5. MedicineMan

    MedicineMan Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2007
    Woodville, TX
    well I'm just a lowly cb user :notworthy: but I run a uniden grant xl with some mods done to it for reliability sake. Had a bigger modulator installed when the stock one blew and stuff like that.
    I think this is a very overlooked radio. It talks and recieves excellent. especially recieves. It's in the shop right now have some hack repairs rerepaired. I had a drive who had it worked on while he was using the truck and had chanels and a connex board installed. It was a compleate hack job and it blew the finals so I'm having it all fixed and having the garbage removed from it.
    I also run an astatic 3K antenna on my KW t600. This setup works great for me.

    I'd be interested in peoples views of the astatic antenna. I love it but wondering if I can do better

    I'm working on my tech class ticket so I'm just begining to be able to understand some of you guys :smt004
  6. bbctransport

    bbctransport Bobtail Member

    May 5, 2007
    I am all mobile so here goes
    HF Kenwood TS-480HX
    VHF Icom IC-V8000
    VHF/UHF Icom IC-2800H
    C.B. Cobra 29 Classic
    HF Ant. HI-Q 5/160 motorized
    VHF Ant. Diamond SG2000HD
    VHF/UHF Ant. Diamond SG7900
    C.B. Ant. Hustler 1000 center load which I modified for a higher antenna system "Q" .

    If you would like to know about modifying the antenna leave a post here.:biggrin_25518:
  7. weathergeek20

    weathergeek20 Bobtail Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    I have a Radioshack HTX 252 2M mobile for mobile and base
    ICOM T2H Sport 2M HT
    Uniden BCT-8 mobile scanner
    Radioshack Pro 82 Handheld scanner
    Midland SAME WX radio
    Cobra 29 LTD with PA in pickup
    three MFJ 42 in whip magmount antennas
    laptop with aircard/echolink wxspots,GRLevel 2 and 3 radar programs
    and other toys that go along with skywarn and storm chasing
    Derek KI4JMJ
  8. thetez

    thetez Medium Load Member

    Jul 10, 2006
    i too am just a lowly CB user, ive got both a mobile and a base. (for side band)

    Mobile ive got a Galaxy DX959 (its a legal radio)
    modifications done to it, pumps around 30w of power SSB (their we go... now its illegal.)
    Dual Wilson Silverloads 4'
    15ish miles AM SSB 30+miles
    This is a great setup, talks just as well as my base, sometimes better, have talked cross country on side band with some skip rollin in.

    Base: I have a general washington completley legal SSB CB with an antron 99 up on the roof, its set up right, and ie talked all over the continent and listened further... with skip ... Generally i can talk 15 to 20 miles AM 40+ssb
  9. fuzzy

    fuzzy Bobtail Member

    May 19, 2008
    Wichita Ks
    x2. I had 2 of them, lost them when the ex-wife didn't pay the pawn ticket. (had to pawn them to make it thru truckin' school)

    i miss them sooooo. :(

  10. Phil1Fla

    Phil1Fla Light Load Member

    May 12, 2008
    Beavercreek, Oregon
    Well I have a post under social group hams and ham want to be .. photo of the inside and outside of my pickup truck 2 hf rigs 1 220 rig 2 2 meter rigs and 1 duel bander and at home Ft 757, heath kit HW-2 & 2 2meter rigs. I just sold a swan 350, kenwood 930, Plus a icom 251a, for antenna's at the house 2 meter ssb beam, a 6 meter ssb beam, plus a 6 meter HO hoop, G5rv, 2 2 meter ground planes, a long wire # 150 'I'm about to order a new HF vertical not sure what kind I want yet.
    Oh yes I forgot the scanner is also at the house.

    73's all
    Phil KG4JRR
  11. Phil1Fla

    Phil1Fla Light Load Member

    May 12, 2008
    Beavercreek, Oregon
    How is the HI-Q working for you? I'm thinking of the same match that you have the HX & the HI-Q. Would you do it again?
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