Terminated after a perfect record of 10 years.

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Silverbeard, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    Good morning drivers....
    I am looking for other perspectives on something that recently happened to me working for what I thought was a pretty decent company. I apologize in advance for the long post, but I need informed responses.
    First, here is a brief history on my background....
    I am a 10 year veteran in the industry with a spotless record. I have a spotless safety history, a 100% on time delivery rate, perfect driving record with zero moving violations and zero accidents. I pride myself on being professional and in addition to safe driving I provide good customer service and maintain great relationships with nearly all of my regular customers.
    In April of 2022 I accepted my first job with a well-known chemical tanker company who pride themselves on being a "family oriented" company "where everybody knows your name". The position I applied for was for a local, home daily, salaried position. The expectations for the driver in this position were to maintain the flexibility to be available for dispatch at all times unless on scheduled time off or hours of service restrictions.
    This past Tuesday, October 22, I received a text message from dispatch at 9:07am while I was "off duty" asking me if I could go and pick up an empty trailer about 30 miles from my home location (I was always dispatched from home). Keep in mind, I was already scheduled and committed to an appointment that same afternoon at 2:00pm for which I needed to be there to check in no later than 1:30pm.
    I responded to the text message at 9:27am, 20 minutes after receiving it, and advised the dispatcher that I had concerns that if I were to go and pick up the empty trailer as requested that it would cause me to be late for the 2:00pm appointment I was already committed to. I was in the process of explaining to her the "logistical" reasons for my concerns and she told me that "She had no desire to go back and forth with me about why I could or could not do something"....and...to make sure to pick up the trailer the following day (which I did). The day after this, on Wednesday, I receive a phone call from my terminal manager advising me that I was being issued a "written warning" for not being available as expected to complete an assignment. I attempted to explain the facts of the situation to him, but he did not want to hear anything I had to say. He went on to say that he was also writing me up for failing to perform a thorough post trip inspection for a trailer I had previously taken to get pre-loaded. Another driver took the pre-loaded trailer to deliver the product and apparently reported that he discovered an "audible air leak".
    This conversation escalated as I felt like it was unreasonable for him to be writing me up for not only the first issue but piling on a second issue for which I honestly knew nothing about. My exact words to him were, "This is some b.s." and I did not think I was being treated fairly. Ultimately, out of frustration, I told him I was done discussing the issue and I ended the call.
    I came back to work all day Thursday without any communication from anyone other than dispatch, completed my assignments and went home. I then worked all day Friday and only communicated with dispatch about that days loads. On Friday afternoon as I was on my way home Mr. Terminal Manager calls me and tells me I am being let go for the conversation on Wednesday and given instructions to turn in my truck. So, I actually worked an additional 2 days after the write up warning before he had any further communication with me. I was essentially fired for disputing the write ups.
    Now, I fully understand that in the state I live in I can be fired for being an ugly s.o.b. if they so choose. I worked for this company for almost 3 years and NEVER had any serious disciplinary issues at all. I thought of myself as being a pretty #### good driver, safe, dependable and loyal.
    I have concerns about what they might report on my DAC report to any new potential employers. I asked him what the specific reason was for the termination and he refused to provide me with the specific reason other than saying it was because of the conversation we had on Wednesday and the write up for being "unavailable" to commit to an assignment regardless of the reason I gave.
    I have already moved on and applied for 4 new jobs, one of which I am all but certain I will be hired for. When asked why I was fired, what should I tell potential new employers? I know in this industry things can sometimes follow you around, but this is my first time ever being let go from ANY job. Usually I would be the one to resign....never fired. Do I attempt to explain the full situation to them and that I disagreed with a disciplinary action taken against me? Or do I try to minimize it as a misunderstanding??
    I appreciate any honest replies and advice!!!
    Lonesome, Numb and tscottme Thank this.
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  3. TheLoadOut

    TheLoadOut Road Train Member

    Nov 6, 2019
    I wouldn't sweat it, nor what they write on your DAC. Companies that live by what's on those DAC reports aren't worth working for in the first place. You'll do fine. Best of luck to you wherever you end up.
  4. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Sounds like this dispatcher has a little extramarital something going on the side with the management at this terminal. If that’s the case, this dispatcher can say the moon is made of green cheese and whoever she’s sucking or ####ing will accept it as roughly tantamount to the Gospel according to John.
    Lonesome, Iamoverit, jcatel and 4 others Thank this.
  5. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    Thats basically how I feel about it. She apparently told him that I refused to accept the assignment which is nowhere near the truth. If she was worth anything she would have understood the timing issue and relayed that information to him, but that didnt happen. I told him during the escalated conversation I had with him that he did not appear to have the full story and he was misinformed about what was said but he didn't want to hear anything I had to say.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  6. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    I have heard so many horror stories about drivers being blackballed by companies. I have never been fired which is why I am concerned. I dont want to have anything out there making it difficult for me to get work.
    TheLoadOut Thanks this.
  7. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    The best explanation for why you were fired is short and neutral. NOBODY hiring drivers will listen to a long story and they will not assume you were correct and the past company wrong even if you told them a long and truthful story. "Company needed to me to do X on my time off and I couldn't do X." X being something neutral.

    You need to see what is on your DAC report before you give your side of the story. It would be great if you could hear or read what your past company will say about your leaving the company. DAC (HireRight.com) is required to give you at least 1 free report per year. In the past you could have your free report mailed to you or receive it electronically. Either way it took them 15 days for you to see your report. I don't know how long it's been since you left the past company. I don't know how long it takes for your past company to report to DAC. I don't know if your past company even reports to DAC. Only about 25% of companies report to DAC. I don't know how long ti takes for DAC to enter the info on your file once they receive it.

    If you know someone that hires for another trucking company can you get them to contact your past company as if you are being hired for a verification of employment so you can hear what the past company is telling other employers? Best case scenario if your past company uses DAC, they only state your employment dates and eligible for re-hire (yes/no).
    Lonesome, TripleSix and Silverbeard Thank this.
  8. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    The avatar pic, is it if you? If so, you take pride in your appearance. You take pride in your work ethic. If I were an employer looking for a driver and I saw a seasoned driver that takes pride in himself and his craft and got fired fora disagreement, I would have to hire him. That driver has a spine.

    So, what should you say?

    Less is more. “I had a disagreement about some disciplinary action.” Few words. The fewer the better. Long drawn out explanations, telling of epic sagas, and volunteering info should be avoided at all costs. If they want more info, they will ask. Make em work. They will appreciate you more.

    Luck in battle.
  9. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    I agree with your advice. Short and simple explanations are probably best. Company asked me to do something, and I advised them I had concerns about the timing of the assignment, and I was fired 2 days later. I honestly don't know if the terminal manager is so vindictive that he needs to blackball me and I do not know if they use DAC. It seems like I had once read somewhere that companies cannot give "opinion based" responses, only facts such as dates of employment and eligible for rehire as you said. I dont think they are allowed to tell a potential employer anything personally demeaning. Either way, Im fairly certain I already have another job lined up. Thats one of the good things about being an experienced driver....for every company who doesnt want you, there are a hundred who will scoop you up immediately...I had 3 interviews lined up in 24 hours after being let go. I just never dealt with being fired. I kinda took it personal.
    tscottme Thanks this.
  10. Silverbeard

    Silverbeard Light Load Member

    Aug 2, 2017
    Houston TX
    Yes, that is me and Yes...I am a driver with pride , skill and a record to back it up.And thank you for the reply. Several people have said the same thing. Keep it short and simple. I had a disagreement about a dispatchers request and expressed that to her. 2 days later I was fired without an explanation.
  11. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    You should of went in to clean the truck out the second the phone call ended, was clearly a no win
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