Terminated after a perfect record of 10 years.

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Silverbeard, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    No worries. Just thought you might like to know how reports like these can affect a driver without even knowing. You might not care but lots of carriers do. I was surprised to see how many smaller companies paid HireRight for that report considering how few reported to it.
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  3. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    Good enough to get the point across.

    If I could talk to me as a rookie, I would tell younger me to learn how to listen, take notes, learn to be still and SHUT UP. You newer guys to the business, if you haven’t, learn the 48 Laws of Power.
    The 48 Laws of Power | Summary + Best Quotes

    And when you see threads like this one, figure out which laws would apply to that thread.
  4. FearTheCorn

    FearTheCorn Medium Load Member

    Jan 6, 2019
    Ahh, the "we are all family" company. No matter what biz you are in, stay away. Think about working with YOUR family. Oh hell no.
    074344 and Rugerfan Thank this.
  5. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    True story. We (wife and I) are having dinner with a prospective driver and his wife at a local restaurant. We're talking about our time off policy and procedure and similar topics, and my wife makes the comment that we try to treat everyone like family. The driver's wife pipes up with "I sure hope not!".

    I guess some families are different from others, lol.
    Lonesome, Rugerfan and Albertaflatbed Thank this.
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