Terminated for a Safety issue from Ryder. Didn't secure trailer.

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Truckfit44, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. Truckfit44

    Truckfit44 Bobtail Member

    Nov 20, 2023
    I was recently terminated from Ryder for a safety issue. After being loaded I pulled out from loading dock without kingpin being secure & trailer detached but I caught it immediately & reattached it. Moving forward does this mean I shouldn’t be rehired ?
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  3. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    well you learnt a very valuable lesson...GOAL....

    that being said, if you "man up" to what happened at the next job interview, and say you "learned a lesson", then you should have no issues...

    but DO NOT volunteer why you were fired, let the new employer ask, what happened.!!!
  4. silverspur

    silverspur Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2012
    Check your hire right report, the part where it says reason for leaving. If it says quit/resigned that is what I would tell a future employer.
  5. Grumppy

    Grumppy Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    West Monroe, La
    Rehired? As in Ryder changing their minds? Chances are, they ain't gonna rehire you. They dont have to. It was a safety violation & their policy. It was a safety issue. If you hadn't been lucky enough to catch it right in front of the dock, it could have happened on the hwy. Point is, you didn't secure the connection... & you lost it. Safety issue... fired.

    Will another company hire you? Yes.
    Bean Jr., 88 Alpha, Lonesome and 4 others Thank this.
  6. Lennythedriver

    Lennythedriver Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2020
    This is just my opinion, but if you’re new to trucking, and you didn’t let the trailer drop and bend the landing gear or damage, the cargo or trailer, I would’ve thought a warning might be more appropriate than firing you. Maybe there was other reasons or other things you’ve done or have been warned before? However, this mistake is entirely on you. It’s one of those “there’s no excuses for it“. You should always check and make sure the kingpin is locked I’m guessing you’re still rehireable somewhere.
  7. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    I'll disagree - not checking the kingpin is a huge deal that needs to be dealt with severely. Most other things I can say "hey, that was a bad series of choices, but you learned ". Not checking the kingpin is pure lazyness.
  8. REO6205

    REO6205 Road Train Member

    Feb 15, 2014

    If they fired you for that they were looking to fire you anyway. Pulling part way out from under your trailer is serious but if a guy is an otherwise good employee I wouldn't fire him for it. People make mistakes. They learn from them too.
    Did you have previous issues with the office...accidents, tardiness, load damage, personality conflicts with other employees? Argue with the dispatcher one too many times? Irritate the guys in the shop once too often?
    Whatever the reasons, you're gone. Time to find a new job.
  9. LOTSO

    LOTSO Medium Load Member

    Mar 28, 2023
    How did they know you weren't hooked if you didn't drop the trailer? The way it sounds, you started to pull away and realized you weren't hooked, so you stopped, backed up and hooked it. Not saying you shouldn't have known before you even hooked up your airlines, but was someone standing there watching you?
    Bean Jr., Sons Hero, kylefitzy and 4 others Thank this.
  10. buddyd157

    buddyd157 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2017
    under a shade tree
    there is always someone watching, and always someone will "rat out" a co-worker.
    Bean Jr., dunchues and Albertaflatbed Thank this.
  11. gentleroger

    gentleroger Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    It's pretty easy to identify if they're using the plastic coiled lines. If they're all stretched out then one of two things happened - he forgot to unhook his airlines when uncoupling or he dropped the trailer.
    Albertaflatbed Thanks this.
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