Tesla tractor

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by ScaniaLW, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Suranos

    Suranos Bobtail Member

    Aug 1, 2019
    Walmart in Sealy, TX is supposed to be getting a few Teslas for use in Houston, I know the Walmart DCs in California will have to switch to an EV semi to comply with their BS laws, They have already started shuttle operations from DCs outside of Cali (Cali drivers take freight out, bring it in instead of other Walmart drivers going into Cali from outside DCs) to start preparing for the hassle.
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  3. Treputt

    Treputt Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2013
    Sacramento, CA
    California's mandate as expressed by CARB (California Air Resource Board) for 100% EV heavy duty trucks is 2045. 21 years from now. A lot can, and probably will happen between now and then. There is literally no plan that I've heard, read, or been briefed on about any pending transition to EV trucks. Yes, our office tested out a Tesla semi earlier in the year, as have several other carriers. My take on that was just Walmart seeing what sort of cost analysis operating an EV in our network would be. Walmart isn't about to half-### a transition to EV's. Whenever they decide to implement that switch, I guarantee it will make news everywhere.
    joshuapowell61 Thanks this.
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