The adventures of 'Team Klingon'

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Lady K, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. irishwarrior

    irishwarrior Medium Load Member

    Dec 21, 2011
    williamsburg iowa
    congrats to you
    and i am jealous as it did not work out with don hummer trucking ya can pm me if you have not found my thread and i will be more than happy to tell you if i have not already
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  3. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    WOW... Didn't realize just how long it's been since I've posted an update!! We are still alive and rolling

    It's been tight $$ wise, but we are still making it. Lost oil pressure occasionally so got it checked. Ended up with the rods and bearings done in the lower part of the engine, new O rings in the oil pick up tubes, but hey, she has over 840K miles on her now... Now it's done! Rate have sucked in the west, but I've heard/read they aren't to much better in other locations either. So we are keep'in on, keep'in on... Been on FB mostly. So my apologies for any who follow here, but not there...

    Well got to roll... Heading south, then north again
  4. NavigatorWife

    NavigatorWife Road Train Member

    Apr 30, 2012
    Cental West, AL
    Husband has had his share of truck work being done the last 2 months. Just getting out of the black hole of broke once again.

    Prices on loads are the pits, east to west. I guess they figure since the price of fuel has gone down, they need to decrease the amount to haul the load.

    Winter won't be far away, so I hope everyone can stay afloat when it does hit.
    Lady K, Dinomite and heyns57 Thank this.
  5. Cy Ran

    Cy Ran Light Load Member

    May 20, 2012
    So Cal
    Good to see the updates, and I like the info. Wish you had more profit, but as you know, if it was easy everyone would be doing it.

    I like when you travel the West, you mention places I have been. :)
    Lady K Thanks this.
  6. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Well we are down in San Diego, CA right now... Still basically heading North then South then North again. Our main 'customer' has been having some internal issues, which has affected their $$ flow, which trickles down to our $$ flow. Actually had to say pay or we no play! Got some from them, and still working with them, but keeping a REALLY close eye!

    Other than that, this will be (on paper) one of our better months... No big maintainance costs .. But we are looking at more trailer tires soon, so next month most likely.

    The other news is ... Not much has changed .. LOL! Still rolling, still paying bills, still squeezing the Grandkids as much as we can. Sure I would love to win the lottery, but for now, this works
    123456, halfburn, wulfman75 and 4 others Thank this.
  7. Easttexan

    Easttexan Bobtail Member

    Feb 20, 2012
    I still follow y'all on here and wish you updated more. How would I find y'all on FB?
    halfburn and 123456 Thank this.
  8. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    I do admit I don't get on here much any more... FB is easier, and I like easy

    We are still rolling and still paying bills. Since we've been staying on the west coast, we're able to see the Grandkids more often. Makes it worth the lower rates out this way.

    Our company page is IDIC Enterprises, LLC

    Personal page Paula Johnson (Paula Miller) but make sure you message me, so I know who I'm adding and why
  9. Bumper

    Bumper Road Train Member

    Feb 8, 2008
    Kingsport, Tennessee
    If you guys are hauling alot of produce I might be seeing you in Yuma and Salinas now that I am running in Cali and AZ only.
  10. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    We try to not run produce ;) but sometimes we have to... Right now we are servicing our direct customer with bare root trees. Using a broker to head north... But nothing really heading north, so we dead head a LOT!
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
  11. Bumper

    Bumper Road Train Member

    Feb 8, 2008
    Kingsport, Tennessee
    We haul plastic bags and such out to the farms and then bring back produce. We have a big account with In and Out Burgers. We haul lettuce, onions and taters for them. Im home alot more now and dont miss the ice and snow at all!!
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
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