The day to day ramblings of the LTL business.

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by MACK E-6, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Everybody else has a thread like this. Another one here won't hurt. :)

    I had a pretty good day today. 16 deliveries, 3 pickups. Had a big 500 lb combine part to wrestle off the truck.

    It was a long day, but a productive one. It's amazing what it does for a driver's morale when your dispatcher doesn't do anything stupid.:rolleyes:

    So how was your day?
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  3. Straight Stacks

    Straight Stacks Paper Cha$er

    Jul 18, 2015
    Alabama Gulf Coast
    Took the day off Mack. Fighting the flu. Kicked off a 2 stopper yesterday. #1 in Altamonte, FL, #2 in Winter Park, FL. Broker has a load in Ocala, FL. I'll grab it tomorrow, or Thurs. At 41 years of age, bouncin back takes a bit longer...

    *Realized this was in LTL after posting. Man, I am running a temp. Need to go to sleep.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  4. Pintlehook

    Pintlehook Road Train Member

    May 2, 2013
    Not sure I can participate, I deliver to grocery stores. Mod can remove if necessary.

    I did 2 trips today - first trip had 2 stops, a whopping 43 mile run. First stop is the only hand unload we have in our whole facility, it was a whopping 34 cases. Second stop had 21 pallets came off with an electric jack, inside dock.

    Second trip was 68 miles total, one stop on an outside dock, 23 pallets came off with an electric jack (I "assist").

    Started at 4:30am, punched out at 12:30am. Good day today in the snow, better day tomorrow because I'm off!
    scottlav46 and Mike2633 Thank this.
  5. Djfan

    Djfan Bobtail Member

    Aug 5, 2015
    Cheyenne, wy
    My day was great until the boss's demands for tomorrow's run, which I got on the way home.
  6. Bob Dobalina

    Bob Dobalina Road Train Member

    Sep 20, 2015
    The "Buckeye"
    We were all screwed up from linehaul drivers not getting back at a decent time due to snow and wrecks everywhere. I had to ride with one of our sales people to go meet one of them who was out of hours and bring his truck back. Electronic logs and snow don't mix!

    That set the tone for a long, but unproductive, day.
  7. Dave_in_AZ

    Dave_in_AZ Road Train Member

    May 4, 2015
    My day started good. Got unloaded early, but has gone down hill. I'm at Budweiser in Houston waiting for a door. Actually I have a door but there is a trailer in it.
    Waited all day for this load.
    I think I have a fairly weak dispatcher / office group.
    I'm stuck here until at least May, that's the soonest I can get on with a pick your own freight company. I'm approved, there's just a waiting list.
    This isn't all evil by any means, it seems very Helter Skelter though, little to no for sight, very few pre plans.
    I mean they had two full working days to book me a load, and this was the best they could do.
    Last week I had a 2 day 970 mile trip from Tacoma to Montana with 3 stops, three different cities covering 500 miles in Montana, in a WTF blizzard, passed a level 2 DOT, and finished almost a full day early.
    And someone in an office, in comfort, can only find me this. 20160107_133237.jpg
    Rocks, Straight Stacks and scottlav46 Thank this.
  8. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Why can't you participate? Stacks jumped right in. :)

    Hell, I talk to the flatbed guys, although usually when one of them brings up something firearms related....

    I like your hours.
    scottlav46 and Straight Stacks Thank this.
  9. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Take it easy. The flu is nasty stuff.

    I worked while sick before. It's not pretty. But I HATE taking off.
    scottlav46 and Straight Stacks Thank this.
  10. BoxCarKidd

    BoxCarKidd Road Train Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    I had one p/u at the VA, one delivery, 175 Lbs no touch. It was a long day! Pop's called and said he needed some help.
    Dropped his insurance supplement because he said he could not afford it after the affordable care act. Asked why he did not share that with me, he is not alone. Did not want to be a financial burden. Said he was a war time veteran and he would just use the VA.
    He was not on IV and did not eat for 19 hours. In line for a test that one cannot eat before and they were running behind.
    Just watched the State of the Union Address explaining how great everything is and how we need to help and make allowances for all others.
    I am depressed to see how the people who offered all for the freedom of the USA and much of the rest of the world are treated.
    I must mention I met some nice people there that were 100%.
    Glad you had a good day Mack, I was also successful but my morale was not boosted. Keep up with your folks insurance even if they are independent.
    Mudguppy Thanks this.
  11. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Yesterday my office idiot wanted me to get two pickups on board between my second and third deliveries.

    Well that couldn't happen because my third delivery was 7' wide and a liftgate unload at a farm.

    Thankfully both those places are open somewhat late.
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