The Heyl Truck Lines Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    After spending the weekend near Hickory, I ended up getting up the 34 hour reset before delivering Monday morning. Four hours later I am complete with the stop and on the road heading to my final destination which was Apopka, FL.

    When I first tried to find the warehouse I missed it. There wasn't a light on in the place. 15 minutes later I finally found it and set up camp for the night. I did get to sleep in a little because my appointment was not until 0900.

    Unloaded and the empty call sent in I get a load picking up in Plant City going to Gas City, IN. My appointment time was six hours away so I was able to stop by the house and spend some time with my family before heading back out.
    chauhanprv and The Challenger Thank this.
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  3. chauhanprv

    chauhanprv Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Brampton ON
    Can u tell me Barracuda if Hyel has paperless log or paperlog. I will be starting with Hyel on Oct 06/10 from Calgary terminal and if you can also tell me if all there trucks are high rise. I was offered between Cascadia and Volvo but I picked cascadia and they said it has C2 satelite the newer touch version. Any info would be helpfull. By the way nice updates liked them keep it up.
  4. jellybean

    jellybean Medium Load Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    Central MD
    Glad to see things are going so well for you barracuda keep the posts coming and stay safe out there
    Barracuda905 Thanks this.
  5. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    No electronic logs yet, however, they should be fully implemented next year. Heyl has some cascadias that are high rise and others that are mid rise. Mine is a high rise. All of the volvos are high rise. Some trucks have a touch screen qualcomm. My truck has a regular qualcomm. It will be luck of the draw when you get your truck.
    chauhanprv and The Challenger Thank this.
  6. chauhanprv

    chauhanprv Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Brampton ON
    Thanks Barracuda will see u on the road and might run into you some time while picking or dropping the load
  7. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    Made the delivery in Gas City. I am glad to be done with that load. The bills said I was loaded at 43k, however, I know it was more than that. I don't think the weight of the pallets were accounted for. When I scaled the load I had to weigh the truck three times to get it right. I had to slide the tandems back to the 9th hole and move the fifth wheel to one hole before the front. With 3/4 tank I grossed out at 79.5k. My tandems had 100 pounds to spare and my drives had 300. On the drive up I the pre-pass beeped red more than I had ever experienced. Loaded that heavy I still managed to average 7.2 mpg. I cruised at 61 mph.

    Other than that it was an uneventful ride to Gas City. After unloading I was sent to Logansport, IN to the Tyson plant for a total of 3 stops going back into Florida. The final stop is Monday afternoon. My DLD is Saturday at 0500. Hopefully they will call me before that and let me know it is ready.
  8. frago

    frago Light Load Member

    May 26, 2008
    NW Iowa
    very cool to read this stuff. I also work for Heyl. I work out of Akron though so it's cool to see how they move you Floridians around.

    Finishing up my first 60 days now. I have never been happier with a carrier. These guys have been just great to me so far.

    Bee\st of Luck

    <removed truck number>
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
  9. banjo317

    banjo317 Bobtail Member

    Sep 16, 2010
    Plano, Texas
    Barracuda, thanks for posting your experiences with Heyl. Could you explain Heyl's policy on deadhead miles? Are you also paid for them? Or, are you just paid for the miles between shipper-pickup and receiver-delivery? And, are miles calculated as "practical miles" or otherwise? thanks....
  10. chauhanprv

    chauhanprv Light Load Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Brampton ON
    Hi Fargo Do you know how they move the Canadian drivers I will be starting on Oct 14 from Calgary Terminal. Also if there is anything else you can tell me about them would be great.
  11. Barracuda905

    Barracuda905 Light Load Member

    Oct 10, 2009
    Minot, ND
    Heyl uses the HHG miles. As a driver you are paid both loaded and empty. For the fuel bonus you are paid for the actual miles traveled versus the dispatched miles.
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