The Heyl Truck Lines Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Blackadder47

    Blackadder47 Medium Load Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    Eugene, Or

    Sounds good. I have a vacation planned for first 2 weeks of November so won't be applying for awhile. I'll get back to you for your info when I send in my app. Thanks!
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  3. edavies78

    edavies78 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Much better week! After sitting for a few hours after I got empty I was thinking I was going to get a small run. But ended up having me go to Le Mars to pick up ice cream. It was supposed to be ready when I got there, but was almost ready, so just picked it up in the morning. Got a nice run going to Florida. Couldn't go the usual way down 29 to 70, since most of 29 is closed before Counsil Bluffs, and past highway 2 in Iowa into Missouri. So I took 80 over to Des Moines, and a good state road down to Oskaloosa, Ia and down US 61. That e logs got me again. I wanted to get to Mt Vernon, Il, by the time I made it through St Louis I was going to be 5 minutes short of making it there before my 11 hours. I had one day over 11 last week, I could have pushed it, but I don't need them looking at me and wondering why I went over again. I would have easily made it on paper logs. Oh well. There is a few other truck stops before Mt Vernon. I just delivered to the Walmart in Winter Haven, Fl. Had a late appointment, so good thing I got a load picking up not far away in Lake Wales. Load was supposed to be ready, but isn't yet. Which is good, just pick it up in the morning when I have plenty of time to run.
    Somtimes they put in truck stops that scratch your head. I know it has been about 2 months since I came down this way. But they just put in a Love's on the west side of exit 358 in Ocala. Makes no sense. I know that I can get a parkng spot at the Pilot at any time of the night. Would make a lot more sense if they put another one closer to Tampa, not there. I never even saw them putting it up, it went up fast! Also just went by the new Pilot they put in Haines City. Looked nice. They fixed up the parking lot, and doesn't look anything like the crap hole truck stop that was there before.

    BTW Blackadder, just like I've told many people before. Don't even bother applying if you are not in a hiring area. Colorado isn't anywhere close.
  4. Blackadder47

    Blackadder47 Medium Load Member

    Apr 17, 2010
    Eugene, Or
    Ah, ignore that, I moved out of Colorado a few months back. Didn't see the point of paying taxes to a state that I was only in 3 or 4 days a month so I went north up to Cheyenne. Judging by the website, they do hire out of Wyoming.
  5. edavies78

    edavies78 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    I agree with that. Texas also has no state taxes, why change everything to a state that has 6% state tax. Still good luck getting hired from wyoming as well. Probably not going to hire on unless you have a perfect record, and don't mind getting just through the house, never have any freight going to Cheyenne. If they don't want to find freight for me going to SLC, definetly not going to go out of thier way to find freight going to Cheyenne, good luck though.
  6. buddybaker

    buddybaker Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2007
    XITMAN, are yo still in Portland and how often do you get through there, I live there now, Heyl is sounding better all the time
  7. xitman

    xitman Light Load Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    Vancouver, WA
    No I just moved to Iowa, but when I lived in PDX I was always home for the days I requested. There is plenty of freight that goes in and out of that area with Heyl. Your best bet would be to give the recruiting a call and talk to them.
  8. edavies78

    edavies78 Light Load Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Almost had another bad thing come from e logs. Just made it to Tyler, Tx a day day early, with 30 minutes to spare on my 70, so I sat on monday restarting my clock. Tuesday morning I had a 4am appointment, started at 2:30 on duty (because I moved more than 2 miles to consignee I had to start my clock, before, if I started in the same town I would log on duty when I got empty). Got a load picking up at 11 in Ft Worth picking up Dannon as usual, going to OKC for an early delivery the next day and Norfolk, Ne the next day. The fun part was when I got loaded. Signed my bills, put in my load call and as soon as I headed out the gate I got a call. Since I left my bluetooth in the back I ignored it. Then leaving Ft. Worth at noon was a MESS. Took about 20 minutes to go past US 287 where they had a lane closed. Once traffic eased up I looked at my phone again, it was the shipper that called and said they forgot to give me the second seal. AHHHH!!! So had to go back through the mess again. Then on the southbound side there was a small accident, so traffic was slow going back again. In all that mess, back and forth and traffic, probably lost an hour of time from my clock. That was something normally, again with paper logs, just log when I left the shipper, then just go off duty to where I arrived later. By the time I got to Pauls Valley, Ok only had 45 mins left on my 14. THEN, since I was 62 miles from the first stop, and I stopped driving at 4pm, couldn't start until 2, but I had a 3am appointment. Eeeh, I made my appointment just on time. I hate being that close. Again, with paper logs, would have just started an hour earlier to get there the usual hour before the appointment time. When I planned it out, was debating with myself, which is worse, a log violation if I took off early, or if I didn't make it on time, being marked as late, and have to deal with that. Then again, when logs or anyone sees my pre trip time of only 2 minutes, instead of at least 5, they could get on my about that to. Days like these were the reasons I knew the e logs were going to suck. But, if everything flows smoothly, their not a problem. YEAH E LOGS!!
  9. Leroy77

    Leroy77 Light Load Member

    Mar 13, 2011
    I agree with you on the ELogs. It does make heavy traffic very stressful to deal with because you are always watching that clock. It is nice not to have to fill out the paper log but I still don't like the ELogs.
  10. rev1008

    rev1008 Bobtail Member

    May 5, 2011
    well i start working for them come monday on the trop fleet. i was the only one in my ori. tues. and wednesday. i was going to go over the road until something on the trop. fleet opened. i was sitting at home today talking to my dm and dale call offering a local spot. i guess two people are quitting come friday. i cant wait. the driving test was cake. i trained on the elogs but i am going to have to do paper because of being local now. i liked the elogs. it seemed pretty easy to use. well happy truckin.
  11. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    how does the trop fleet work if u dont mind me asking rev and congrats
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