Tyson was kind enough to make me miss my deadline by over four hours. I finally received the call to say my load was ready. I went to the back lot to look for the trailer and it was nowhere to be found. I walked the entire lot twice looking for it. I went back to the guardshack and asked the security guard to confirm the trailer number. I told him that I had been back there for a half hour looking for it and it was not there. He makes a phone call and has the situation figured out. They ran out of room in the full trailer lot and someone made the command decision to start placing overflow trailers in the livestock trailer lot. I made my way back there and found it with no problem. It sure helps when you are told the right place to look for something.
I hookup to the trailer and do a brief pretrip. Nothing unusual. Once underway I start hearing air coming out of my brake buttons. I knew that was unusual. I really knew something was wrong when I went to stop. It used much more pressure than normal to stop and the brake peal had more travel than what was normal. I made it to the truckstop and tested my airlines. Sure enough the brake test was failing miserably. Up front there were no air leaks that I could hear. I made my way aft and the problem quickly became clear. Air was leaking from one of the brake chambers on the trailer.
I called dispatch and was transferred to the shop. Keep in mind Peru, IN is in the middle of farm country and the nearest TA is 60 miles away. Luckily they were able to find a 24 hour mobile repair service in the area. Four hours later the trailer is fixed.
With the trailer fixed I can finally scale my load. Tyson was further kind enough to put as much weight as possible in the front of the trailer. When I scaled out I was at 35.9k on my drives and 29k on my tandems. This was with the trailer being in the 7th hole. I moved the tandems as far forward as I possibly could. I was able to shift most of the weight but my drives were at 34,360 and my steers were at 11,900. I moved the fifth wheel as far forward as it would go. This put the steers at 12,300 and the drives at 33,900 with just over 2/3 tank of fuel. My tandems were still just over 32k.
Once I finally get rolling every thing goes fairly smoothly for the rest of the trip. I was late to the first stop in Atlanta but I was able to deliver to the other two stops on time.
Once unloaded at the final stop in Daytona I head for the yard in Zephyrhills to enjoy a few days of hometime.
This morning I called the yard and I was told I had an overall MPG of 7.4 for the time I was out. I am happy with that because it will equate to an $80 plus fuel bonus for the 11 days I was out. The other thing I worked on was my idle percentage which was only 7 percent.
The Heyl Truck Lines Experience
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.
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Hi, what kind of quistions are on that 2010 thing are they hard or easy ect, im not much a test taker thanks
this sounds like a good company, if you dont mind what kind of money you make per mile or were they start you out, this the kind of running i like too do, i hate sitting around truckstops for 5 days , Everett, btw love your post.
These guys seem pretty good. I am newer to the forum, another person had this ID but was nice enough to give it to me thanks CAGE. I have 4 months experience, the driver I talked to the other day said to apply anyway they may take me. I have been driving for Roehl since I started, got lucky with a friend working for them. I went team for 3 month with him solo the past 3 almost 4 months. Just wonder how positive you are on the experience, the website does not mention either. I also plan on calling recruiting tomorrow to get more information
Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
Looks like a good referral bonus anyone want to refer me send me a PM
Called recruiting today, they said case by case basis and require at least 6 months experience. Called a 2nd time to verify and was told 6-12 months experience and again it was case by case basis. So 2 different recruiters with virtually same answer.
Ys LDS it seems to depend on where you live. They have a tougher time getting drivers in certain areas.
Not sure about how the canada Drivers move around but working in Akron IA I see lots and lots in the yard there and also seen plenty when going northwest. Calgary is really good. I have switched all of my Canada loads so far and all of them where going to Calgary.
They have a very well run system and my deadhead has been really low , not that it matters to me but I can see that they are being well run and have good customers by this fact. Also lots of straight loads for me so far. Some like drops for the pay but I don't care for them. so far 1100 average length of Haul and only 1 single 2 stop load so far. I really am happy here. -
Barracuda not sure what Truck make you have, but I have a Cascadia and have to have the 5th wheel all the way forward. Puts the trailer in perfect alignment above the tandems and seems to relive the weight of the APU from the Drives to the steers. My steers are always heavy but the shop guy told me that is how they want the 5th wheel. I have most problems getting enough weight on the Trailer. I usually have to have them nearly all the way forward to scale out right. I have had zero problems with heavy steers and get the bypass with as much as 12700 in front as long as everything else is fine. I notice the Volvos are pretty different and their 5th wheels are in the middle.
Frago, which APU do you have?
There is also a 1 cent quarterly safety bonus that is paid on all miles if you have not had any log violations, late deliveries, etc. In addition, any miles ran over 28k in a quarter pays a 5 cent bonus for all miles over 28k. If you run 32k miles in a quarter you will get a 5 cent bonus on those 4k miles.
For me to acheive my fuel bonus I need to maintain an mpg of 6.6 for 1 cent per mile or 6.9 or above for 2 cents a mile. So far I have been able to get a fuel bonus each time I have been out.
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