The Heyl Truck Lines Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. OtatKen

    OtatKen Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Things are still going great 2 months in. I am getting plenty of miles and NEVER have to ask for detention or layover pay, they just pay me. I run 100% legal, have a very nice truck and my paycheck is in the bank on time, every time. They still don't try to babysit me, I plan my own route & they don't say a word as long as I follow the fuel solution. Some might complain about getting paid short miles, but I knew that when I hired on, so it doesn't bother me. I've been grossing right at $1000 a week average. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon...very comfortable & happy here.

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  3. StrayKat

    StrayKat Bobtail Member

    Feb 14, 2013
    North East Texas
    Thanks to all the Heyl drivers posting here! It's nice to hear about a good company for a change! Yall seem to be a great group of drivers. Be safe out there.
    OtatKen Thanks this.
  4. OtatKen

    OtatKen Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I have to correct myself, we are paid practical miles, which still "shorts" us a few miles here & there but we are not paid short miles, per se. I used the wrong terminology and I apologize for any confusion.

    That being said, things are still kosher here at Heyl. I've been here three and a half months, so it's prolly safe to say the honeymoon is over. They have yet to disappoint me.

    Yes, there are aggravating days, but you show me a driver that loves his/her job every single day and I'll show you a liar. Overall, my experience at Heyl has been overwhelmingly positive. I DO NOT sit around waiting to get loaded. When I send my empty call, 9 times out of 10 there is a load waiting for me. Getting unloaded, however, is another story warehouses just couldn't care less how long a driver has to wait or if they run out of hours. But the second you are empty, you better get off their property.

    It really is too bad that I couldn't find a flatbed gig that suited my needs because, strangely enough, I miss the workout that accompanied flatbedding...and I find myself getting...well...fat. Coincidence? Me thinks not.

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    TDriver4Life Thanks this.
  5. OtatKen

    OtatKen Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Ok, so I'm just gonna put this out there...I HATE CROSS-DOCKING IN LAREDO!!! It's always a day long ordeal, why do they even set appointments? 8:00am appointment, unloaded at 5:00pm... sunuva.......

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  6. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    you must not have been to new Orleans cold storage south of houston
  7. OtatKen

    OtatKen Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Nope, not yet...Even more fun than Laredo? How have you been? Haven't heard anything from you in awhile, I was wondering if you were still lurking about.
  8. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    yes sir still keeping me busy by the time i shut down i crash
  9. OtatKen

    OtatKen Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I've been staying pretty busy as well. The miles have been a little low here lately, but I can't seem to catch a break when it comes to shippers and receivers. If it ain't one, it's the other making me wait hours on end to get loaded or unloaded, that can really burn up your 14.

    I've been getting a lot of loads that absolutely will not let you unload early too...oh well, makes for easy days. I hope this streak comes to an end soon though, or I might get too used to only working 8 hours a day.

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  10. FullTiltTommy

    FullTiltTommy Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    Glad to hear Heyl is working out for you. Are you still with them? What caught my attention in your post is the number of miles you run per week. My best running average with Heyl is 2800 miles per week and I stay out 3 weeks at a time and run OTR. Your post is from 2010 and mine is 2013. Are you still running those kind of miles?
  11. FullTiltTommy

    FullTiltTommy Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    Hi OtaKen; I drive for Heyl also. How many dispatch miles do you run per week? Also, do you have a lot of sit time?
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