The Heyl Truck Lines Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. FullTiltTommy

    FullTiltTommy Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    OtaKen; We get paid PC Miller SHORT miles. Check with your DM. There are 2 problems with that. The first is obvious, however the second problem is your fuel plan does not match SHORT miles. In both causes you are usually running more miles, using up more of your 11 hours and not getting paid for it. I don't know about you but that gets under my skin a bit.
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  3. FullTiltTommy

    FullTiltTommy Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    Hi mgt1085; What kind of dispatch miles have you been running per week?
  4. FullTiltTommy

    FullTiltTommy Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    I'm on paper logs. At Heyl just be because you are OTR does not mean you will get miles. I'd ask the mileage question and see what you get back from the drivers. Of course it all depends on how many miles you need to run per week. OTR drivers all start at $.36 per mile. Experience does not matter.
    mgt1085 Thanks this.
  5. bigbowler206

    bigbowler206 Bobtail Member

    Apr 7, 2013
    ferndale washington
    can anyone tell me how many delivery or pickup appointments are usually done between midnight and 04;00
  6. Suncoast

    Suncoast Light Load Member

    Nov 18, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    I was with heyl in 2010 They broke a promise made to me in per hire. I had a pre planned vacation a (cruise) thay sad I would get home for my planned vacation. When time came, 2 days out they said they needed me to deliver in Jacksonville on a Monday then go home. My cruise left on Sunday. My choice was to blow the cruise or quit, I dropped the trailer at Zypherhills and quit! Now to be fair I must say they were a good company, I got loads, good equipment and friendly staff. most of all they did not trash my DAC. They listed me as Resigned with Notice. Perhaps they felt bad or perhaps they are just honest. Anyways besides our vacation issue they did good by me. Just my honest post!
    mgt1085, jomar68 and Weeble Kneeble Thank this.
  7. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    tommy i average 25 to26 a week lately i have been doing relays going to the nw sitting on one now as for fuel routing depending of dm i call mine when stop is taking me out of route and its changed. that whole fuel stop crap is my biggest complaint, as for my miles sometimes i average more and some weeks i have been stuck on the jessup orlando run but i get my performance bouns so im good
  8. Weeble Kneeble

    Weeble Kneeble Heavy Load Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Rip City
    How long are you staying out? Would they have a problem of I wanted to do 14 on/3 off?
  9. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    I do 4 to 5 weeks my choice and I don't think so but u should call and ask
  10. Weeble Kneeble

    Weeble Kneeble Heavy Load Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Rip City
    They said 10/14 and a day off for each week out, but I just want that full weekend off. Not get home Friday leave out Sunday and consider that as 2 days off. Thanks for the reply mgt.
  11. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    bull when i get in i take 7 days off
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