The Heyl Truck Lines Experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Barracuda905, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. slowride69101

    slowride69101 Bobtail Member

    Oct 4, 2012
    Been here 2.5 months. Ok so far. I live in Tampa and I like to stay out about 3 weeks, but usually out 10/14 days. and my dm asks me when im coming out. Got in last thursday and pulled out sunday morn. Currently unloading in Elkton, Md. and got preplan to Brooklyn Park, Mn. Last trip out was Fl to Wa to Ia to Fl my kinda running! I took a little pay cut to comw here, but havent had any BS yet.
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  3. slowride69101

    slowride69101 Bobtail Member

    Oct 4, 2012
    I believe every home time for me has been like you want it. Im like you that day im coming in, especially if im unloading and not dropping on the yard, I dont count that as a day off. Been home 3 nites @ aprox 72 hrs.
    Weeble Kneeble Thanks this.
  4. Weeble Kneeble

    Weeble Kneeble Heavy Load Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    Rip City
    That's good to hear that it's more of a guideline than a rule of thumb and that they are flexible with it. My current company is the same way. Take off what you need within reason, or in my case, as much time as I can afford.
  5. slowride69101

    slowride69101 Bobtail Member

    Oct 4, 2012
    10/4 that was a big reason why i left last carrier, 4i8hrs and u had to be back in truck. A nd u couldnt take it home. They would count ur drive time to and from home as time off. some guys drove 100 miles each way. if u got out of ur truck at i8pm that sucked. Lousy quality of home time.
    Just outside twin cities, snowing out. Supposed to get 2-4"! Its may! Enough with winter!
  6. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    that's it basically within reason your FM will work with you like I said I stay out for a 5 weeks then take off 7 full days my choice this company has its problems but overall its a pretty good company as long as you do ur job they have no beef with u
    Weeble Kneeble Thanks this.
  7. blue19

    blue19 Bobtail Member

    Jul 10, 2012
  8. zip912

    zip912 Bobtail Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    Bradenton florida
    I love working for HEYL. I am in the Tropicana bradenton fleet but get out every now and then and Adam my DM is always on his game and I have no complaint whatsoever..Should of come here a long time ago
  9. Ozz777

    Ozz777 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2013
    Just about to find out if these guys will hire me for a fifth time! Lol Only once did I quit because my dm was a drunk and a moron and told me that I couldn't go home when I planned to. They fired him shortly after. Never had a problem with them as a company, just different family moves (last move to Australia in 2011) and getting bored long hauling. Overall, I have ten years in with them, and it sounds like they are still the same company I remember, except the fuel routing thing. Well, now that I remember, they tried that back in '98, but no one would follow the routes or fuel stops, so they gave up on it. Anyway, here's hoping I'm rolling again soon in my black truck.
  10. xlsdraw

    xlsdraw Road Train Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Lake Alfred, Florida
    Odds of getting a double bunk would be slim wouldn't it? Not a teamer, just like to have the wife along for company.
  11. mgt1085

    mgt1085 Medium Load Member

    Oct 4, 2009
    west palm beach,fl
    unless your a team driver odds are slim you can ask and it depends on whats available at the time if you do get a double it would most likley be a volvo as the cascadias are very few the new cascadias have a alot more storage they utilized the back area over the bunk with little cabinets and a mid roof is okay i had a fridge and mic (on top of each other) but it worked and still had space to walk
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