The Jamie Davis Towing Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Mike2633, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Have any of you guys seen or started watching Highway Through Hell season 3 I've got it on Netflix and I've been watching it piece by piece. What do you guys think of season 3 episode 2 with all that ice and stuff on the road, and people jack knifing left and right?

    I don't know what else the highway people can do, you would almost wonder if they had like sub lots at the top of the mountain where snow plow trucks could just go and when it started freezing they dispatch from a closer location then like from base to where the problem is and for all I know maybe they do I've never driven the Coquala Highway so I don't know.

    Anyhow the show doesn't get talked about a lot, but if you guys watch it what do you think?
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  3. icsheeple

    icsheeple Trailing the Herd

    Nov 1, 2013
    Kansas City, KS
    I seen a few episodes. Pretty interesting to watch.
    Oldironfan, Dominick253 and Mike2633 Thank this.
  4. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    They're already on season 5. You've got some catching up to do.

    It's a good show. I liked the Fort Mac episodes best since I've worked up there the last few years. I've only ever been through the Coq in the summer in my pickup. TV does not do The Smasher/Snowshed Hill justice. It is much, much steeper than it appears on TV. Its worth a trip. The scenery from Merritt all the way down to Chilliwack is absolutely beautiful.
  5. Yves kanevil

    Yves kanevil Medium Load Member

    Jan 10, 2016
    Another show made to make operators like morons. Just like irt did to ice roads
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  6. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    It's a great show.

    It demonstrates that we have a significant number of idiots in this business.

    It also demonstrates the importance of getting your ### off icy roads.
    alds, Smut, j_martell and 3 others Thank this.
  7. bigguns

    bigguns Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2013
    I have watched a few episodes. I am sort of fascinated by what all goes on. I find it interesting but how can people be so stupid. In one episode the insurance company wanted every bottle of wine that could be salvaged, to be salvaged. Screw you. We need to get the road open, not off load several hundred bottles of wine by hand. Stack it against the jersey barrier to be picked up later. Yeah right. Risk lives reloading the bottles onto to a trailer as brain dead drivers whiz by at who knows what speed. BTW the wine was $40 a bottle. Big ##### deal. Once it is back on a trailer it would need to go back to the shipper, each bottle would need to be looked at, relabeled if necessary, chipped bottles tossed,all of it re-boxed, and then shipped again. Somebody I am sure has a college degree that says all this makes sense dollar wise. That whole situation is a boatload of b.s. in my opinion.
    joshuapowell61 and Mike2633 Thank this.
  8. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    I just watched that episode and I can't believe the RCMP would tolorate an insurance company making dictations like that. I can't believe they would even bother to listen to the insurance company.
  9. brian991219

    brian991219 Road Train Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lords Valley, PA
    I have been in the towing industry all of my life, many years full time and now part time while I run my car haul and consulting companies. To address the wine issue, yeah that was just total b.s., no insurance company in their right mind is going to try to salvage that load, the risk of injury later while consuming would have sent that load straight to the dump.

    As for the highway workers, I imagine it is difficult when you have a mandate to keep the roadway open, down in the lower 48 US we have become accustomed to closing the roadways for the slightest bit of inclimate weather, look at my home state of Pennsylvania they are always closing the highways for snow.

    Now for Jamie Davis, he is alright but takes a lot of chances with his rigging and equipment. He gives the true professionals a bad name and those of us with proper training wince when we watch his guys do their thing. It is NEVER ok to hook a winch line to a truck and then tug it up the hill, that shock loads the entire wrecker from the rigging attachment, winch line, right thru the winch drum and mounts. He is really taking a lot of chances, and if any of his crew, or worse yet a bystander ever gets hurt all the evidence the lawyers will need is on film! I realize a lot of this is dramatized for television, and I have met Jamie at a trade show in Baltimore, he is a nice guy and fairly easy to talk to. They just don't get the liability thing, maybe Canadian courts are easier than American courts?

    Overall good show, it shows what goes into keeping a roadway open and the integrated roles the different responders play.
  10. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    I met Jamie in Red Deer a couple years back. I thought he was a pretty decent guy as well. I met Samy too. Good guy as well.

    @brian991219 what's the proper way to pull a truck up a hill? Just curious as I know nothing about towing. BC still seems to have a bit of a cowboy attitude towards safety. Its kind of like get the job done, don't kill yourself and don't wreck the equipment.
    Ruthless, Mike2633 and brian991219 Thank this.
  11. street beater

    street beater Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2014
    cold as hell, MN
    I figured a bit of it was just for show, the rigging aspect is interesting though. To a layman (me) i couldn't say hes rigging wrong. So thats neat to hear.. so its like the difference between a professionally trained rigger and a self taught?
    Mike2633 and brian991219 Thank this.
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