The Jamie Davis Towing Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by Mike2633, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. p608

    p608 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2016
    DUDE, show me ANY contract that specifies rotator.
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  3. p608

    p608 Road Train Member

    Nov 10, 2016
    Then go spend 700 800 k on a rotator and quit whining you're not making money
    TIMPTE 527 Thanks this.
  4. brian991219

    brian991219 Road Train Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lords Valley, PA
    NY Thruway, and California Highway Patrol off the top of my head. I will post the contracts later when I get home, don't have them on my mobile.
  5. brian991219

    brian991219 Road Train Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lords Valley, PA
    Here is a copy and paste from the Florida RISC program equipment requirements. You can verify it yourself by searching for "Florida RISC towers requirements". The document is Appendix C to the contract.

    The Vendor shall be required to submit to the District documentary proof of current ownership or lease of the
    following equipment having the minimum capacity, size and number listed below:
    A. Initial Response:
    Recovery Wrecker Requirements
    (Company Owned/or leased)
    One 50-ton (Heavier) Hydraulic, extendable, fixed boom, ultra heavy duty recovery wrecker with a boom structural
    rating (TEMA or SAE) of 100,000 lbs or rotator type wrecker with the same capacity or greater. A minimum of two
    planetary winches with a manufacturers rating of 50,000 lbs. each and 200 ft. of ¾” cable. The boom shall extend a
    minimum of 150” beyond the tailgate. The boom shall elevate to a working height of 21 ft. The truck chassis shall be
    a minimum of 62,000 lbs gross vehicle weight (GVW). The unit shall be equipped with an under reach tow unit with
    a capacity of 50,000 lbs. The truck chassis must be designed for or reinforced for severe service. The drive line shall
    also be severe service and geared for the low end, high torque applications frequently required for quick clearance
    and relocation of loaded, wrecked heavy trucks - in some cases while they are still overturned.
    One 50 ton capacity rotator type heavy duty wrecker, extendable boom, with a boom structural rating (TEMA or
    SAE) of 100,000 lbs. A minimum of two winches each with a 50,000 lbs. manufacturers rating and 200 ft. of 3/4
    inch cable. The truck chassis shall be a minimum of 62,000 lbs. GVW. The wrecker shall be stocked with the
    additional tools, equipment and material listed in Section D of this attachment. The Vendor may request to
    substitute a mobile crane for the rotator. To be considered the mobile crane must be equipped for truck crash
    recovery with the tool supplies and rigging as established in Section D. State of Florida crane operator certification
    is required. The Department reserves the right to approve or reject the request to substitute a crane for the rotator
    DrDieselUSA, Hulld, Feedman and 2 others Thank this.
  6. MartinFromBC

    MartinFromBC Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2018
    I just wanted to thank everyone for the fun read, great entertainment for sure. No, I will not say which town I live in, or whom I work for, but as a tow truck driver in BC Canada for 27 years, this was funny. A part of being successful is having the right equipment, but a much larger part is having great employees.
    Nothereoften and Mike2633 Thank this.
  7. Jazz1

    Jazz1 Road Train Member

    May 7, 2012
    Thunder Bay On
    Local towing services have grown substantially the past 20 years due to the demand created by low calibre truck drivers.
    4 wrecker service companies located in a 240 mile stretch that hosts one hamlet and a town of 1500. That does not include the wrecker services in the cities at each end of this stretch.
    They busy and hiring!
    MartinFromBC, magoo68, Feedman and 2 others Thank this.
  8. magoo68

    magoo68 Road Train Member

    Jun 11, 2011
    st malo mb canada
    . Hearst to Nipigon ??
  9. Jazz1

    Jazz1 Road Train Member

    May 7, 2012
    Thunder Bay On
    thunder bay to dryden...Garys towing of thundery bay now keeping a truck in Upsala,,,business that good!
    MartinFromBC and magoo68 Thank this.
  10. MartinFromBC

    MartinFromBC Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2018
    150 inches is not much, generally what we term as a rotator has more than 12.5 feet of stick. That is a basic, and not terribly expensive truck, especially a used one, so not a significant investment. Anyone who wants to play ball in the few areas with those specific rules, can do a little shopping around, and pick up everything on that list easily. Throws some decals and rigging gear on it, and join the game. I am actually surprised by how basic the requirements listed area. Most places already have all or most of that, so may need to add one truck. Some have significantly more and a lot larger equipment already. Especially those little tiny 50k lb winch trucks. 25 tons today we class as medium not heavy recovery. But interesting list none the less.
    Nothereoften Thanks this.
  11. John3009

    John3009 Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2016
    Martinfrombc a 50 ton wrecker will usually have dual 50,000 pound winches.
    brian991219 Thanks this.
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