The misadventures of a rookie tanker yanker

Discussion in 'Tanker, Bulk and Dump Trucking Forum' started by Mortarmaggot, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. Mortarmaggot

    Mortarmaggot Heavy Load Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    Yeah, that be broken. I found a broken spring while training, but haven't found any since. Tanks are supposed to be serviced every 90 days. Good to know you are pretripping.

    It's hard to fathom how some of our fellow truckers just get up and go without so much as a tire check.
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  3. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Given the state of I-70 between Dayton and Indy and 65 south on Chicago these dedicated trailers take a beating. I had a spring replaced on this same trailer in the driveway after getting loaded a few years ago. It was leaning pretty good. This one is empty.
    scythe08 and Mortarmaggot Thank this.
  4. scythe08

    scythe08 Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2007
    Portland, Or
    Do you guys know anything about the Kingsport terminal? That one, the one in Bend , and St Gabriel were ones I were seriously looking at. Kingsport was in the lead do to the cheap land and amazing motorcycle riding up there. But I read Eastman chemical was laying off people and slowing production
  5. Mortarmaggot

    Mortarmaggot Heavy Load Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    Doesn't really matter what local plants are doing unless you're a local driver. Once you get under a load out of Kingsport, you run the system until you want to go home. At that point you get a load headed to within a couple hundred miles of home and tank wash into your home terminal after delivery.

    I was hanging out with a couple of the St Gabriel drivers in Markham the other day. They had no complaints. One guy has been with us for over 20 years and the other wasn't far behind him. Both were owner operators.

    I know that doesn't help much, but it's all I got
    scythe08 Thanks this.
  6. scythe08

    scythe08 Road Train Member

    Mar 19, 2007
    Portland, Or
    That actually really helps me. I had assumed that they serviced Eastmam extensively as there were several other tanker companies all right there as well.
    Mortarmaggot Thanks this.
  7. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Not sure what the deal is there now but a few years ago drivers complained about having to wait before getting back out after home time. Eastman slowing down hurt getting that first load out.
    scythe08 and Mortarmaggot Thank this.
  8. Mortarmaggot

    Mortarmaggot Heavy Load Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    I'm on a dedicated to Plymouth,MN. I'll deliver today and hit a nearby TA.

    After getting the truck taken care of, IllI be catching an Uber to go visit my great nephew in the hospital. He has a heart transplant and suffered two massive strokes. Poor kid turned 15 while in a comma. For a while the med staff was talking end of life comfort. He surprised everyone by waking up, having vision and hearing, as well as motor function. He can't walk yet, but physical therapy is working towards that goal. He can sort talk, butbit hard with a trake in. He has been in the hospital since October.

    My sister and two of my nieces will be meeting up with me there. I haven't met the girls she adopted yet. We'l have a meal and visit the young man. My sister has been by his side since October.

    Might stick around and do breakfast in the morning with them before heading back. If I do breakfast, I will check with my two older brothers to see if they can swing by. I didn't let anyone but my sister know I'd be in town. Wanted to focus on my great nephew.
  9. Teb1987

    Teb1987 Bobtail Member

    Jun 8, 2019
    Thanks for chronicling your first years on the road. It has really helped me and my wife make up my mind with what I want to do and who I want to work for.

    Hopefully, Wilmington is hiring in when I graduate. It doesn't seem like the Fay -> Wilmington drive is to terrible all things considered.
    Mortarmaggot and scythe08 Thank this.
  10. Mortarmaggot

    Mortarmaggot Heavy Load Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    I try to do system work, or take dedicated loads with some legs under them. It's not worth the drive to do a 400 mile round trip load and go home. Dispatch understands where I'm coming from and doesn't jerk me around. They are always square with me.
  11. Mortarmaggot

    Mortarmaggot Heavy Load Member

    Apr 13, 2017
    Caught a load to Helena Arkansas the day after I got back. I am try to keep the wheels turning until just before the family and I head off on a mountain adventure.

    I am offloading now and will run over to the Memphis Terminal afterwards to see what's next. My go home date is the 21st and I'm running off recap. Keeping my fingers crossed that I do reset in Memphis.

    The clock will be at 13 when I get in but I gain 12 between tonight and tomorrow night, then a 10 hour pickup. That's 35 hours run time in the next 3 days, and I pick up solid hours over the weekend.

    Hope I get a Magnolia run or something similar. Good miles on the Magnolia run, and if I run it hard enough, I can sneak in a 34 just before delivery. The last time, I was able to get 39 hours to reset, run, and make some dispatch delay pay
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