The start of my first year with Swift.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Sheriff1/6, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. fifthwheel07

    fifthwheel07 Bobtail Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    Salt Lake City,Ut
    That heat made for an uncomfortable night hey,those little clip on fans are usually good for a couple of months,some I had didn't last very long they are pretty cheap. Well yah if you gotta take a 34 and your lucky enough to be around the home base it's alot better than that little cabin you live in when you are away from home and,and,and.
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  3. Mrh2008

    Mrh2008 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2012
    Mesa, AZ
    Picked up a load of water at the Safeway warehouse in Merced, ca. 46,332 pounds! Gross is at 79,800. Steers are good and so are tandems, but I'm at 36,000 even on drives. Showed back up to the shipper and they said "take it or leave it, we're not re-working it." And "call your dispatcher, let them know you're refusing to move our load."

  4. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    Now that's a sweet deal. What did dispatch say?
  5. comallard

    comallard Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    Lagrange, GA
    Give us an update. I can't stand when they do this. There are much better ways to handle issues.
  6. Mrh2008

    Mrh2008 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2012
    Mesa, AZ
    Dispatch said "leave it there." Without hesitation. Lol. I bobtailed out and went down the road to the TA and ate. About 4 hours later, I got another preplan for the same load, so I showed up again. This time, they took 2 pallets off, about 4k lbs and reworked the rest.

    The guy in shipping that told me to take it or leave it said they load each and every water load like that and didn't know why I'm the only one that had a problem. I'm thinking that they don't load every load like that, but decided to on mine because it was only 60 miles to delivery and not DOT scales along the way.

    no weigh station doesn't mean no problems.
  7. comallard

    comallard Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2013
    Lagrange, GA
    Lol. That is crazy!
  8. Mrh2008

    Mrh2008 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2012
    Mesa, AZ
    Where's the Sheriff!?!? Quick!!!! Get the Sheriff!!! B
  9. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    The Sheriff is in the HOUSE!

    I took a few days off and did a reset at home, sold some equipment and took care of business. Now I'm back in Corinne.

    They had a load ready for me when I got back yesterday and I left right away. It was supposed to be two stops, one Walmart and one Sams Club. It went good until I hit the dock at Sams. They guy in receiving didn't have a key for the door. I was outside for an hour before I called Swift and about 15 minutes later the manager opened the doors and let us in. There was another Swift driver there and he said it's like that all the time at this store.

    When I got done with my last stop I got a call from dispatch asking if I would pickup another load and bring it back. Sure, just send me the address. Well, they said my Qualcomm will take me through a residential area and I should use my personal gps if I have one. I do so send me the address. They sent the address and directions...The directions were from the interstate...I wasn't near the interstate. It took me an hour to find the place and it was only 3 miles from where I was at. Got the load hooked and delivered back to Corinne.

    I called Lewiston yesterday to ask them a question about Corinne. I'm not getting Walmart pay, but they've frozen my ranking and now my ranking is "None". I won't get a quarterly bonus. I was talking to the Safety guy and he said it seemed odd to him and that my DL would be back next week. About five minutes later I got a preplan for a load to Canada...hmmm, something is up. He called me back and said they need me in MT to shuttle loads up as they have a bunch that need to go. I forgot to ask him to accept the load for me and before I could get to a rest area to accept the load it got pulled off.

    I asked dispatch here in Corinne about getting on here. They said I have to live within 60 miles and would have to slip seat my truck. No thanks, not a six figure income so I'm not moving.
  10. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    Some water distributors are notorious for trying to make drivers pull away with loads that are over limit. Don't accept the load if it is over weight.... period. It's on you to make sure the load is legal and put that responsibility right back on them. Last time I picked up a load at a water distributor I noticed that many of the vans have split axles. They are likely capable of handling the load the way that Safeway loaded it. However, if you are pulling a standard tandem axle, then they should be aware of how to load for your van. If they say, "Gosh we load this way for everyone else" then my reply would be to ask whether they are loading a tandem or split axle van.... now when I arrive and the load is water I always let them know that I'm pulling a tandem axle and make sure they are loading it accordingly.
    Bigdubber Thanks this.
  11. Mrh2008

    Mrh2008 Road Train Member

    May 25, 2012
    Mesa, AZ
    It was a pre-loaded trailer. Maybe another 20 trailers in the yard. All of which were standard tandem 53's. they just don't care I guess!
    werewasi Thanks this.
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