The start of my first year with Swift.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Sheriff1/6, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    It looks like my time in Corinne has come to an end. Late yesterday I got a load from SLC going to Oregon. I'm guessing they are working me towards Lewiston so I can fill out the paperwork for the Canada fleet. We'll have to see how that works out. I really liked working out of Corinne and if they didn't have the silly residence rule I would want to stay there.
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  3. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    I made my delivery at the Walmart DC in Hermiston, OR and now I'm sitting at the Stanfield Pilot. On my way here I got a msg that there would probably be no loads until Tuesday. They asked that we be patient and not call them. They also threw in the threat of termination for calling while driving. I always respect a company more when they throw out a threat just for the good of everyone.

    Does anyone know what the pay bump is for Hazmat loads? I've been told it was a flat $35 and then told it was 4cpm. I have no idea.
  4. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    That's a follow up from last week's fatality. The trucker that was talking on the phone with his mother when he missed a turn and went off into a river. She heard the whole thing happen.

    As I was scanning documents at a kiosk inside the offices of a terminal I overheard a training video sent to the DM's regarding that accident, telling them to reinforce with all drivers that even if you are using a headset you should not be talking on the phone while you are driving. Any distractions are to be avoided.
  5. Palace37

    Palace37 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    New Jersey
    Just thought I'd pop in. Sitting at a Pilot in Greenville VA heading to Ohio. Rough first week but hanging in there.:biggrin_25520:
  6. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    Hey Buddy,

    Glad to see you still out there. Things will get better. GO SLOW!! Keep in touch.
  7. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    So my post about sitting until Tuesday was a bit premature. Not long after I posted that I got a preplan for a run to Canada. As soon as I accepted it, it was pulled and I was sent another, more important load. Funny thing is I had to call and ask about the load and some of the paperwork requirements. The planner thought I had all the stuff I needed because someone put me on the Canadian I had to reroute to Lewiston to get the PARS stickers and some other stuff. I'm not sure if it cost me miles or not but he never changed my routing as he said he would. I'll find out on Tuesday. I'll be crossing tomorrow sometime..wish me luck.
  8. secorp

    secorp Medium Load Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Lakeland Florida
  9. bluerider

    bluerider Light Load Member

    May 16, 2012
    Washington, DC
    Shippers don't care. They just want the load moved off their property. And yes, in business people try to 'slip one by' all the time. Good for Dispatch for calling them on it. Dispatch is not always our enemy. Well done. The shipper isn't the one getting the overweight ticket.
  10. werewasi

    werewasi Bobtail Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    Queensland AUS
    A question?
    When they removed the 4 pallets of water did you just block up the space between the front end of the trailer and the load (wasn't there too much weight on the drives?) with pallets. Even if you use old pallets for this, how do you get rid of them easily?

    A maybe tip.
    Fifthwheel was talking about bugs getting into the sleeper a week ago. I got a sheet of the nylon insect mesh that you put on household doors (not the heavier aluminium stuff) and cut it to the window shape. Double sided tape velcro stuck to the frame. Cut same length of velcro again and then stuck 'hook' side of this to 'loop' side on frame tape. Then pressed screen material to sticy tape side. Better if you can have someone stretching the nylon.
    To help it stick more firmly I used some Selleys.
    Works best on 'drop windows. Using velcro means you can take it off easily.
    We have a thing called Ross river fever here and although it's not widespread, one mozzie bite can make it as bad as getting malaria. Also Dengue fever possible esp northern Queensland. Just not worth taking a chance with an open window!!

    Enjoy reading your posts (maybe it's the job difficulties that are so fascinating} and so you're what we call a 'battler'. I think you shoulf try and come to Aus (call it a work study) and see how much easier an industry it is to work in.
    There's a room at our house for you.

    Sheriff1/6 Thanks this.
  11. Palace37

    Palace37 Light Load Member

    Dec 11, 2012
    New Jersey
    Shut down early thank god this place was packed at 1800 eastern time. Sitting in a pilot in Bloomington Illinois. SNI has me running none stop.
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