The start of my first year with Swift.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Sheriff1/6, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. MPH2

    MPH2 Light Load Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Strawberry plains, TN
    It's funny how swift is quick to blame the cell phone for the accident. I guess if you have a heart attack while taking a pee. You died because you were peeing. I'm sorry but they are putting this man who passed name to shame. Just because he was on a phone doesn't mean that's what caused the crash. There are hundreds of other reasons this happened.
    MUSTANGGT Thanks this.
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  3. secorp

    secorp Medium Load Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Lakeland Florida
    Which accident, there have been a few the last couple of days.
  4. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    So, Swift is really pushing for folks to get on the Canadian fleet. They say there is a lot of freight going north and they need folks willing to drive in Canada. With that said here I sit in Great Falls, MT without a load and no hope of a load over the weekend. I T called the load I had here because it wasn't due until June 2nd and I was told the Canadians don't work on weekends. I no more then pulled into the drop yard when another driver pulls up and asks if my load is going to Rocky View. I drop the trailer, hand him the paperwork and off he goes. It's the only load going north all weekend.
  5. secorp

    secorp Medium Load Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Lakeland Florida
    Swift sounds just awful to work for.
    I know Sheriff you said if it does not work with Swift you are done. I would give another outfit a try after a year you should be able to start 35CPM minimum. make some calls you are closer to a year then you think.
  6. secorp

    secorp Medium Load Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Lakeland Florida
    Canada is pro union to the tenth degree, they hate non Union American workers with a passion.
  7. MPH2

    MPH2 Light Load Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Strawberry plains, TN
    The one where the guy was talking to his mom and apparently missed a bridge altogether and the truck landed top down and the truck burnt he didn't get out
  8. nate980

    nate980 Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2010
    Langley BC
    We work weekends but just some places don't. An no we don't hate non union workers. Don't know where you got that from! Tons of company's up here aren't union.....

    I used to load cardboard in Edmonton and Calgary going south and hated it. The places were all a bit of a #### show in the beginning but the loaders really knew wat they were doing. I was loaded sometimes in 45 mins. They like to cram them as full as they can. One place had me drive 15 mins down the rd to scale cuz there's was broken lol.
  9. secorp

    secorp Medium Load Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    Lakeland Florida
    Hate was to strong of a word. frowned upon may be better. Canada is a pro Union country in terms of laws and such, more socialist I guess. Canadian workers do not like giving up jobs anymore than American workers like giving up immigrants/foreigners.

    When I lived there eons ago, you could not buy a new car on weekends, I was told it was a Union rule.
  10. Sheriff1/6

    Sheriff1/6 Medium Load Member

    Oct 16, 2012
    Boise, ID
    And now the saga continues.

    After deadheading to Lewiston to get my windshield fixed I got a load going to Las Vegas. I picked up the load and went to the terminal for fuel. When I got back in my seatbelt alarm would not go off. I tried everything I could think off, including beating on it until my hand was bruised. Still....ding, ding, ding. At the terminal Swift told me to call Onroad and Onroad told me to talk to Swift. No mechanics until Monday. I went back out and buckled in. This time it shut off. I quickly headed out.

    I made it to Boise and spent the night at the house. I do my pretrip and don't find anything wrong. All the lights were working..this is important for later. When I cross the scales outside of Boise I get selected for an inspection. I got a fix it ticket because my break lines to the trailer were touching and the break lines under the trailer had an electrical wire zip tied to one of them. The ticket also included a marker light on the trailer that was out. hmmmmm

    I replaced the light and still nothing. Onroad had me take the truck to the Boss Shop in Jerome Idaho. They fixed the trailer light and said it was a bad ground. They shortened up my break lines and got them separated and rerouted the wire under the trailer.

    According to Swift, if I had only two violations on the ticket, I would have not gotten any points. Since there were three I was assessed three points on the company safety rating. What BS is this???? Even if you can say I could have predicted the bad ground on the light, Swift is the one who set up the wiring on the trailer and all of their trailers are set up with a wife zip tied to the break line. The other break lines were two long because Swift set them up that way. I had the truck in the shop the day before and the mechanic went over everything to make sure it passed. As I told my DM, it's time to write a letter. It will take me two weeks to word it just right.

    Good luck this week on the inspections.
  11. Lepton1

    Lepton1 Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2012
    Yukon, OK
    This is a news story covering the accident in question:

    I was just in the Memphis terminal and they had the same picture posted with a note that the driver was talking on his cell phone with his mother when the accident happened. He missed the bridge and went into the river. She heard everything. Note that the tractor caught on fire. He never made it out.

    Hence the word from the top down to the DM's to get the word out to drivers to avoid using cell phones even if you have a head set. Distracted driving is distracted driving. Driving a truck doesn't mix well with multitasking.
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