The trucks batteries tried to kill us last night

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Nahbrown, Sep 5, 2024.

  1. Nahbrown

    Nahbrown Medium Load Member

    Sep 6, 2021
    Illinois (the sane part)

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  3. drivingmissdaisy

    drivingmissdaisy Road Train Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    Or you just pulled into a Pilot. If that's the case, no need for alarm.
    Numb Thanks this.
  4. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    I'll second this. I strongly recommend a smoke alarm and CO2 detector in a truck you sleep in every night. Plus, most of us have all sorts of cheap electronics and small appliances making the risk of electrical fire greater, whether we like to admit it or not.

    And we get all that crap from China, where they have no manufacturing standards.

    Pretty scary, honestly.
  5. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    I actually was at a Pilot when mine went bad, I can't remember the exact location, but it's the one coming off Fancy Gap I think where they used to have 2 Pilots then they tore the old one down and just made it a parking lot.
    Anyway, so I park at the old place, and I was thinking, "Man ya'll need to do something with your sewer."
    So, I went to bed, it wasn't that bad, and woke up in the morning with dead batteries. Fortunately, there's a TA with a shop right across the street. They came over, jumped me off and I went across the street and got my batteries changed out.

    So, if it smells like somebody just cut a really bad fart, you probably have battery problems. (Or check your shorts).
    broke down plumber, The_vett and Numb Thank this.
  6. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    I would think that your apu is roasting the batteries, so have that checked and the engine alternator to make sure that it isn't overcharging the battery bank.

    I wonder how old those batteries are?

    Did you but the truck with these batteries?

    I would think if you didn't have them check the batteries when you bought the truck, you should have replaced them.
    Nahbrown and Lonesome Thank this.
  7. Nahbrown

    Nahbrown Medium Load Member

    Sep 6, 2021
    Illinois (the sane part)
    All four Batteries are now replaced. I called the previous owner and he said he didn’t remember replacing them and he was the only owner. The truck is a 2020 so If he had it had been a couple years.

    either way they are new now.
    Milr72, ducnut, The_vett and 2 others Thank this.
  8. bad-luck

    bad-luck Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Baltimore, Maryland
    I have both, have had them for years.
    Nahbrown and The_vett Thank this.
  9. ducnut

    ducnut Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    That’s good service from those batteries, then.
    Nahbrown Thanks this.
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