Thinking about buying a day cab

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by ThunderCookie, May 17, 2024.

  1. ThunderCookie

    ThunderCookie Bobtail Member

    May 17, 2024
    So I found a day cab I would like to purchase. I drove from 2015 to 2018. I quit trucking and went into the medical field. Spent 2 years in X-ray school and graduated in December of 20. Got a job working only on the weekends but it's a full time job. My shift is 36 hours (I sleep at the hospital but I'm on call so I can get woken up at anytime. Sometimes I don't get sleep) from Saturday 0700 to Sunday at 1900 then I'm off the rest of the week (M-F). I have a cousin that bought a truck (not a semi, kinda like a F450) that he uses to haul Peanuts. He says that he gets 100 dollars per load and that there is never a shortage of loads but they always have a shortage of drivers at this peanut plant. He literally works the 3 months of the peanut season and he makes enough to not work again until the next peanut season (which is 9 months away at that point) and he has a 2 kids and a wife and they just bought a house and land. He wife works at a tomatoe sauce making place, so she doesn't make a huge amount of money. Anyway he said that the semi truck drivers get 200 per load and they struggle even more because they don't have enough drivers. I found a Volvo 10 speed day cab with 375k miles on it and the guy wants $20,000 for it. I figured if average 5 to 6 loads a day, I could pay off the truck in just a couple weeks and everything after that would be nothing but profit (Minus the obvious expenses like insurance, fuel, maintenance blah blah). Do y'all think that this would be a good idea??? I'm really thinking hard about it but I want some opinions from other actual truckers. I'd still keep my weekend job, this would be a side thing that I do in September when the peanut harvest comes in.
    viper822004 Thanks this.
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  3. Accidental Trucker

    Accidental Trucker Road Train Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    Before you even start thinking about it:

    1) get an insurance quote
    2) your ability to drive will be limited by the fact that your 36 hours count for your Hours of Service limits.
  4. lester

    lester Midwest's #1 Feed Hauler

    Jan 2, 2012
    NW, Iowa
    anything in trucking that pays good doesn't usually have a hard time finding enough trucks. usually means pay is low or conditions are hard on trucks..or both
  5. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    I'm guessing unloading peanuts is a PITA. And probably takes all day.

    Who has the trailer? And what's THAT cost?

    The load pays good if you had a semi. But what's the rest of the story.

    I'd like to buy a truck too. But the work is seasonal. And I have no desire to plug in an ELD to go long haul for the winter.
  6. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    Go to Vegas and put 100k on red, you’ll have a better chance of walking out ahead

    cheap old trucks are often the same, if not more to run down the road than a grand new one
    - sincerely someone who runs an old truck every day…
  7. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    100%. If its worth doing you'll have people lining up for it.
  8. SL3406

    SL3406 Medium Load Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    Sorry, but I'm struggling with your math. $200 a load x 5 a day is $1000. Subtract maybe $300 a day for fuel you're left with $700 a day. $3500 a week, if you and the truck never miss a day you could potentially gross $42,000 in 3 months. $20k for the truck, and likely $15k for insurance so you're left with $7k to pay for registration, road use tax,maintenance etc. The absolute best case scenario you can dream up you would only break even the first year.
  9. abyliks

    abyliks Road Train Member

    May 2, 2010
    ludlow MA
    JMO, my truck will sit in the yard for $1000 a full day

    he will also have 50k into that 20k truck by the end of the year
    SL3406 and rollin coal Thank this.
  10. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    He didn't say how many miles.

    I spend $350 every other day. Give or take a few bucks.

    I fill up def every other tank. 4 days. Which adds another 6-8 gallons at the going rate of $4.09 per gallon.
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