Thinking of going with Knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Sisqscott, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Texhound

    Texhound Bobtail Member

    Sep 6, 2018
    OP, I've driven for Knight and I used to live in Beaverton. Knight is okay for a starter company, but I recommend the 48 over Western 11. The latter will have you going up and down I-5 half the time, and stuck in traffic in L.A. and Seattle a lot. The better loads out of Portland are eastbound, and at any rate you will want the greater variety of driving 48.

    Also, don't worry too much about miles. As a rookie your priority is to learn how to drive, as in backing into all manner of docks and navigating thru cities you've never been to. Trip plan thoroughly using Google Earth and get yourself a Rand McNally or Garmin GPS (or both). If your trainer is lazy, dump him for someone else. He should try to teach you everything he knows about trucking.
    Gearjammin' Penguin Thanks this.
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  3. Intothesunset

    Intothesunset Road Train Member

    Apr 15, 2019
    Digby, pride, interstate, heartland, System, DOT trans, and many more possible carriers.
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  5. Atlanta trucker

    Atlanta trucker Road Train Member

    Jan 25, 2017
    Celadon is having a very very small controversy at the moment , I’m sure they will be right back to running strong again any moment now.
    Upinsmoke Thanks this.
  6. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Yeah, Celadon no longer exists.
    Upinsmoke Thanks this.
  7. Atlanta trucker

    Atlanta trucker Road Train Member

    Jan 25, 2017
    Very very ..... very small controversy
    I’m sure they will be back in business running strong any minute now.

    Yes I’m sorry China I just need to have a little fun just a little
    Chinatown and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  8. Atlanta trucker

    Atlanta trucker Road Train Member

    Jan 25, 2017
    Interstate was one of the best companies I ever drove for , #### shame they imploded and sold out.
    Chinatown and Upinsmoke Thank this.
  9. RockyRoad446

    RockyRoad446 Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2020
    I am looking at going with Knight they seem pretty solid and mostly honest with me. I am just getting back into driving after taking 12 years off to raise my kids with 10years previous experience. Every big carrier has pros and cons but knight has been at the top of my list to at least get my 1yr recent experience in and see what happens after that. Not much you can do when everywhere due to insurance reasons wants recent experience.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2020
  10. Blue Zombie Trucker

    Blue Zombie Trucker Light Load Member

    Nov 1, 2017
  11. Blue Zombie Trucker

    Blue Zombie Trucker Light Load Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    I'm in the final stages of my onboarding with Knight Refrigerated. I'll be driving out of Idaho Falls, which is a small terminal with a fairly tight knit crew. I've met most of the terminal staff, and they're all good people.

    There are a few things different from other companies I've been with, some better, some, eh, so-so. But I feel I have enough experience now that they and I will get along pretty well. My expectations of myself, and of Knight, are realistic enough that I don't foresee any major problems. I really was looking for a position where I can stay a while, and while I don't kid myself about this being the right position for everyone, I feel confident that it's a good fit for me.

    I've learned enough over the last few days to know that a lot of people seem to have some very interesting, let's call them misconceptions, about Knight, about which I'm very entertained.
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  12. Blue Zombie Trucker

    Blue Zombie Trucker Light Load Member

    Nov 1, 2017
    Totally screwed up with Knight. I won't go into details, but I "fell for a trap" during my onboarding, during the pretrip/roadtest.

    It's on me, I don't make excuses, and I harbor no hard feelings, but the way they handle it is honestly brilliant, got me off guard a little, and i let my professionalism slip. It was, however, a VERY good lesson. Totally my bad.

    It's off to SLC for Pride Monday.
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  13. gräkken

    gräkken Light Load Member

    Dec 13, 2020
    Uh. C-can you send me a pvt msg about it? Need all tips I can get
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