Time for a new job, Sugestions????

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by American-Trucker, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    that would kinda suck. I donno when i turn 23 i'll start calling around and see what they have availible and what they have to offer. If the money and benefits are good i might just do it anyway. Im trying to find a way to balance work/life, i work to live, NOT live to work.

    American Trucker
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  3. sharpshooter

    sharpshooter Medium Load Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    I know what ya mean..lol
    IMO from reading your threads, I think you'd be a perfect fit for a small to midsize construction company. Hauling equipment etc. I think you'd like the challenge of it, learning how to operate different pieces of equipment, different jobsites all the time. Daytime hours, generally weekends off, for the most part. Smaller family atmosphere.
    Construction is starting to pick back up around here so there should be some opportunities.
  4. sharpshooter

    sharpshooter Medium Load Member

    Jun 20, 2010
  5. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    i see them all over the place their equipment looks great, i'll give them a call. The only thing that i dont like about construction is it isnt consisitant. I like to know that i can pay my bills and a rainy month isnt going to effect my paycheck lol. But there are alot of equipment hauling places here in charlotte im going to start talking to and see what i can do.

    American Trucker
  6. sharpshooter

    sharpshooter Medium Load Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Yeah, that is the bad part about construction but, usually the lowboy guy has more stability than the track hoe guy. You can't lay pipe in the rain but, you can move equipment in it, although shovelling muddy tracks out sucks..lol.
  7. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    I've heard some US mail hauling jobs are cake and pay relatively well.
  8. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina

    this is true, when i went to truck driving school when i was 18 one of the part time instructors was a O/O pulling US mail and his boss (the head guy) came in to talk to him and he saw me backing on the yard and offered me a job....until i told him i was 18 lol. But since then i've losst contact with the guy and dont know how to find out about open jobs. I think the pay started at $20/hr and home every night

    American Trucker
  9. bender

    bender Road Train Member

    Jul 20, 2010
    Don't Kid Yourself
    $23.68 per hour, no benefits.
  10. Brandonpdx

    Brandonpdx Road Train Member

    Dec 27, 2007
    Elkhart, IN
    The pay and benefits varies from contractor to contractor. From what I can gather most are $20-25/hr jobs although some pay by the load. I've thought about it but the major contractor in Portland (Lanier Brugh) requires 2 years experience and I don't even have that yet. There's probably multiple contractors that work the same hub though I would assume.
  11. Misstsmom1999

    Misstsmom1999 Bobtail Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    Just for giggles, call some of these companies, No not the ones that will hire anyone, but the good ones worth working for and ask if switching alot of jobs is a problem? when u do get to 10 years driving ( i see that u only at 4) and u apply for a job, and u have to ask for 4 sheets to fit your employment record, your gonna wish u had more sence to listen to Some of theses drivers. 1 more thing. I read where u laughed at the man from swift when he came looking for a job where u work. Who the hell are u to laugh at anyone. You didn't know the mans situation. Maybe he was trying to get something local to take care of a sick family member. Who knows? pull ur head out of your #####, take some of these guys HELPFUL advise and if the man returns looking for work, tell him only a dumb ##### would work for this company.
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