Time for a new job, Sugestions????

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by American-Trucker, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. kwswan

    kwswan Road Train Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Well said..
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  3. Misstsmom1999

    Misstsmom1999 Bobtail Member

    Aug 24, 2012
  4. Tire

    Tire Bobtail Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    I liked your LoneStar thread better.
  5. American-Trucker

    American-Trucker Road Train Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Charlotte, North Carolina

    me too :(

    American Trucker
  6. mosesmiller

    mosesmiller Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Crozet, VA
    Well if you go back to LS now maybe you get get a nice hood Pete before they get rid of em all, but i understand that you don't wanna be gone 4-5 weeks at a time anymore, i'm sure it gets old after awhile.
  7. joecarrr

    joecarrr Bobtail Member

    Mar 4, 2012
    Chesterfield, MI
    Food service sucks. I made good money as a young guy and they got me my CDL but it ruined my body. I was in great shape but that job took alot out of me. I broke my back and wrecked both of my hips pushing stacks of full milk crates. I learned alot about customer service though.

    As far as job hopping goes. I've been a dedicated guy fot the 11 years I've been driving. I worked for 3 companies in that 11 years. Since I left my last long stint at a job. (6 years) I've been through 3 companies that promised me the world but as soon as I started driving for them, everything changed. The 1st 2 straight lied about pay and the last one basically told me to fake my logs or I'd be fired. I'm not going to stick around at a company that won't pay me enough to live on or a company that wants me to fake my logs every day. I hate to screw up my resume but I think that you can't keep working for a company that you know you shouldn't work for just because you don't want your resume screwed up. If a hiring manager can't understand that then that's not the kind of company I want to work for.
    Also, Don't worry about the job hopping thing too much unless you want to work for a big company that has a set of hiring stipulations that they won't budge from. With 11 years accident/ticket free. I've been able to get jobs no problem. I just hope this new one is as good as it sounds because the job hopping does get old.
    ladyfire Thanks this.
  8. keebler13579

    keebler13579 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    hey A/T Tyson foods has a plant not far from charlotte in monroe nc over off hwy 74 theyll hire you now that youre 23. you can be home for the weekend every two weeks or so. I stay out 18 days and i go home on a friday and leave out on tuesday. although i will tell you the sitting waiting on loads and at the dock being unloaded is getting old. I avg 2500-2600 miles a week. they top out at 0.41 per mile. youll probably come in just under that for a little while though. they have good benefits too. just thought id mention it. you would have to park your truck at the plant when you go home though.
  9. rubberducky68

    rubberducky68 Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Jefferson GA
    What happened to AT? I see he is either banned or retired. Did he get kicked off of here or just decided to quit posting? Just curious.
  10. mickeyrat

    mickeyrat Road Train Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    on my 30 min break
    just guessing the removed post near the top of this page may have gotten him booted.
  11. thePUNISHER

    thePUNISHER Medium Load Member

    Sep 20, 2009
    Merced, CA
    He is currently on a time out(suspended) but he'll be back eventually. I don't know how long his time out is for but it's not permanent.
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